The Boulder Valley School District remains steadfast in its dedication to educating each and every student and ensuring they and their family feel safe and welcomed, regardless of their race, gender identity, legal status or any other factor.
Latest News
The BVSD Board of Education is currently reviewing policies related to facilities planning, site acquisitions, naming of new facilities and retirement of facilities and would like your feedback. View each policy and then provide your feedback online by Feb. 12.
New Vista High School's new building is more than just a structure—it’s a testament to the opportunities that arise from a shared investment in education. Thanks to the support of local voters, a new state-of-the-art facility for the students of New Vista became a reality.
The Boulder Valley School District (BVSD) Board of Education recently adopted revised graduation requirements that will go into effect starting with freshman (9th grade) students in the 2025-26 school year, the class of 2029, and each subsequent year. The new revisions increase the requirements in math and science.
Our students learn best and are better connected socially when they are able to focus on academics and connections with fellow students. That's why BVSD is taking steps to be as distraction-free as possible by putting phones and other devices Away For the Day. Learn more about the new program and find answers to frequently asked questions.
BVSD asks families, students, staff and our surrounding community to protect everyone—especially in school zones—by keeping our phones out of our hands and our focus on the road. To make our roads safer and reduce distracted driving crashes, Colorado’s new hands-free driving law prohibits drivers from using handheld electronic devices while driving, including at stoplights.
All Together for All Students Strategic Plan
The Boulder Valley School District has developed a new Strategic Plan. This ambitious, exciting and comprehensive effort will guide BVSD for the next five years and aims at bringing everyone together to meet the needs of all students.
All students benefit from challenging and relevant educational opportunities
Reduce disparities in achievement
Every student graduates empowered with the skills necessary for post-graduate success