- A
- Foundations and Basic Commitments
Adopted: December 11, 2018
The Board of Education believes its primary responsibility is to provide leadership in the area of student achievement. To foster greater accountability and enhance improvement in student achievement, the Board shall enter into an accreditation contract with the State Board of Education regarding district accreditation and shall accredit the schools within the district.
District accreditation
The accreditation contract shall bind the Board to manage the district and its schools to meet certain standards, goals and requirements over the term of the contract, in accordance with the Education Accountability Act of 2009 and applicable State Board of Education rules.
In conjunction with accreditation, the Board is committed to adopting academic standards for student learning, achievement performance levels, systems for measuring student achievement and methods for improving student achievement.
School accreditation
While the state accredits the district, the Board accredits the schools within the district, including district charter schools. The Board directs the superintendent to develop a school accreditation process for the Board's input and approval. Such process shall be developed in accordance with the Education Accountability Act of 2009.
Pursuant to the Board's constitutional and statutory authority to control instruction in its schools and determine the allocation of district resources, the Board shall be informed by the Superintendent or designee of all school plan types and shall review and approve all priority improvement and turnaround school plans. Each school plan shall be submitted to the Colorado Department of Education in accordance with the timelines prescribed by applicable State Board of Education rules.
Colo. Const. Art. IX, Sect. 15 (board has control of instruction within district)
C.R.S. 22-7-1013 (1) (adoption of academic standards)
C.R.S. 22-11-101 et seq. (Education Accountability Act of 2009)
C.R.S. 22-11-307 (board accreditation of district schools)
C.R.S. 22-30-105 (school district organization planning process)
C.R.S. 22-30.5-104 (2)(b) (district charter schools subject to accreditation by local board)
C.R.S. 22-32-109 (1)(t) (board duty to determine educational program and prescribe textbooks)
C.R.S. 22-32-109 (1)(mm) (Board duty to adopt policy for accreditation of district schools)
C.R.S. 22-32-142 (2) (parent notice, public meeting and public hearing requirements for schools on priority improvement or turnaround status)
1 CCR 301-1 (State Board of Education rules for the Administration of the Accreditation of School Districts)
1 CCR 301-71 (State Board of Education rules for the Administration, Certification and Oversight of Colorado Online Programs)
AE, Accountability/Commitment to Accomplishment
IKA-IKAA-IKAB, Grading Systems/Final Examinations/Student Progress Reports to Parents