Boulder Valley School District


  • B
  • Board Governance and Operations

Adopted:  March 9, 2010
Revised: June 7, 2022, January 9, 2024


The Board of Education encourages the participation of the community in the School District in decision-making processes, while also recognizing that the legal responsibility for decision-making in all matters of policy and operation rests with the Board. Advisory committees may be established to support the Board and School District as follows: 

  1. Board-appointed advisory committees shall be directed to accomplish the objective(s) established in law and/or the Board’s written direction through Policy or Resolution. Such committees will receive appropriate staff member support to help the group understand its direction, carry out its functions, and coordinate its work with other advisory and staff groups.  Where appropriate, the Board may also establish a non-voting board liaison or liasions to certain committees.  Board advisory committees shall report on their work to the Board as directed by the Board. Only the Board shall have the authority to dissolve committees it has created. 

Appointments to Board advisory committees shall be approved by the Board.  An advisory committee member shall be removed from office automatically if that member does not attend three consecutive meetings unless such absences are due to temporary disability or illness or the committee approves additional absences.  In addition, the committee by majority vote may request the removal of any community member which shall require a vote of the Board.

Board advisory committees shall comply with the requirements of the Board’s written discussion and shall also comply with Colorado Open Meetings Law to the extent required by law.

  1. Staff advisory committees shall be created by the Superintendent or designee to focus on particular issues, provide insights, and make advisory recommendations to the Superintendent and/or staff designee(s). Such committees are not advisory to the Board, do not have a Board liaison, and are not subject to Colorado Open Meetings Law.  When appropriate, the Board may request or the Superintendent may offer an update to the Board on a Staff advisory committee’s work and/or recommendations.

Community groups that are neither appointed by the Board nor formed as required under federal or state law, may provide written correspondence to the Board and/or School District and may provide comment during public comment opportunities offered during Board meetings.  


C.R.S. § 22-11-301, 401 (accountability committees)                                                               
C.R.S. § 22-9-107 (performance evaluation councils)
C.R.S. § 22-32-109.1(2) (community consultation on safe school plan)
C.R.S. § 24-6-402 (open meeting law) 


AE, Accountability
BDFA, District Personnel Performance Evaluation Council
BDFB, Career and Technical Advisory Council
BDFC, Athletic Review Committee (to be developed)
BDFD, District Drug Abuste Education and Prevention Advisory Council
BDFE, Community Bond Oversight Committee
BDFF, Long Range Planning Committee

End of File: BDF