Boulder Valley School District


  • B
  • Board Governance and Operations

Adopted:  March 9, 2010, November 8, 2011
Revised:   January 9, 2024


President and Vice President

The President of the Board, in addition to the duties prescribed by law, shall exercise such powers as properly pertain to the office. In carrying out the responsibilities, the President shall:

  1. Preside at all meetings of the Board.
  2. Serve as the main point of contact between the Board and the Superintendent.
  3. Consult with the Superintendent on the Board agenda.
  4. Bring before the Board such matters as in the President's judgment may require the attention of the Board.
  5. Be responsible for the orderly conduct of Board meetings.
  6. Confer with the Superintendent on crucial matters which may occur between Board meetings.
  7. Call special meetings of the Board when necessary.
  8. Appoint special temporary committees composed of Board Members, subject to the approval of the Board. Such committees will receive a written direction issued by the Board through Policy or Resolution.
  9. Sign any written contracts to which the School District may be a party.
  10. Sign all official reports of the School District except as otherwise provided by law.
  11. Appear in behalf of the Board in all actions brought by or against it, unless individually a party to such action in which case the duty shall be performed by the vice president.
  12. Coordinate the Superintendent’s annual performance evaluation.

In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall have and perform all of the powers and duties of the President.

Election of President Pro Tempore

If at the time of convening any meeting of the Board of Education, the President and Vice President shall be absent, the Board Secretary shall call the Board to order, and the first order of business thereafter shall be the election by all Members present of a Member who shall be acting President Pro Tempore; and, when elected, such acting President Pro Tempore shall continue to preside as President at that meeting with all the powers and privileges of the President.


The Secretary of the Board shall perform the following duties:

  1. Ensure that a record is kept of all business transacted by the Board at either regular or special meetings.
  2. Cause written notice to be given to each Board Member of all special meetings of the Board.
  3. Be custodian of the seal of the School District.
  4. Cause all notices of school elections to be published and posted and perform such other duties in the conduct of school elections as required by law.
  5. Attest any written contract to which the School District may be a party and affix the School District seal thereto.
  6. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Board.


The Treasurer shall perform or cause to be performed the following duties:

  1. Account for all moneys belonging to the School District.
  2. Report to the Board as required for all moneys of the School District.
  3. Execute necessary instruments as authorized by the Board.
  4. Serve as chair of the audit committee.
  5. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Board.


C.R.S. § 22-32-104(3); § 22-32-105 (President and Vice President)
C.R.S. § 22-32-104(4); § 22-32-106 (Secretary)
C.R.S. § 11-10.5-111; § 22-32-104 (4); 22-32-107 (Treasurer)


DG, Depository of Funds/Authorized Signatures
DH, Bonded Employees and Officers

End of File: BO