Boulder Valley School District


  • B
  • Board Governance and Operations

Adopted:  March 9, 2010
Revised:   January 9, 2024


The Board desires to hear the viewpoints of its community members and to conduct its business in an orderly and efficient manner.

  • Each regular board meeting shall include an opportunity for public participation on agenda and non-agenda items. The Board may allocate time at special meetings and may limit public participation to agenda items.

  • Persons eligible to address the Board at a public meeting are: residents of the District, parents/guardians of students currently enrolled in the District, current students of the School District, current School District staff members; and individuals invited by the Board or Superintendent to address the Board on a designated topic. 

  • Speakers must sign up in advance with the Board Secretary as directed on the Board of Education section of the District website. Those signing up must provide the topic to be addressed, full name, confirmation of eligibility in accordance with this Policy, such as a street address, and contact information consisting of a telephone number or email address.

  • The Board also welcomes written correspondence that shall be provided to the Board Secretary for distribution.

  • The Board will set time limits for speakers. Those limits will typically be posted on the Board’s website, but the Board reserves the right to change those limits as necessary to the Board’s ability to conduct its business while assuring the time limits are equitably and appropriately applied.

  • Speakers may offer such criticism of school operations and programs as concern them, but are accountable for their own speech and for exercising their speech rights responsibly.

  • Defamatory, threatening and abusive remarks are out of order. The Board President and/or District administrators may terminate a speaker’s privilege of address and/or remove a speaker who engages in improper conduct or remarks.

  • The Board encourages the discussion of all personnel matters to be conducted in executive session.

  • The Board President shall be responsible for recognizing all speakers who shall properly identify themselves.

  • Questions asked by the public will not be answered immediately, but may be addressed or answered during the time scheduled for Board comments. Questions requiring investigation shall be referred to the Superintendent for consideration and later response.

Members of the public will not be recognized by the President during Board meetings except as noted in this policy.

Members of the public wishing to make formal presentations before the Board should make arrangements in advance with the Superintendent so that such presentations, when appropriate, may be scheduled on the agenda.

In addition to public participation time during Board meetings, the Board is committed to engaging members of the community on an ongoing basis regarding community values about education during times other than the Board's regular meetings.


C.R.S. § 24-6-401 (open meetings law)


KE, Complaints and Concerns

End of File: BMPP