- B
- Board Governance and Operations
Adopted: March 9, 2010
Revised: September 26, 2017, January 23, 2024
The Board considers policy development its chief responsibility. The Board strives to reflect the community's values in its policies and commits itself to an ongoing effort to engage the community regarding policy-level concerns. The Board develops policies and puts them in writing to provide for the successful, consistent and efficient operation of the School District's schools and the high achievement of School District students. Policy development shall be aimed primarily toward the continual formation and evaluation of goals and desired end results for students, rather than toward daily operations. The Board’s policies and regulations shall be interpreted in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations.
Policy Adoption
Adoption of new policies or the revision or repeal of existing policies is solely the responsibility of the Board of Education. Proposals regarding policy changes may originate with a Board Member, the Superintendent, staff members, parents, students, consultants, civic groups or other residents of the School District. Staff shall use a careful and orderly process to examine such proposals prior to action upon them by the Board.
The Board shall seek out the views of the community and staff through its communications and public participation process. The Board shall act only after hearing recommendations of the Superintendent and viewpoints of persons and groups affected by the policy.
The Board shall follow at least a two-step process:
First meeting - staff shall prepare a proposal as a study item for a first reading and Board discussion.
Second meeting – staff shall revise the policy as necessary to address the Board’s discussion, and the revised proposal shall be presented for action and a vote, with additional discussion if necessary.
The Board shall take action only after hearing recommendations of the Superintendent and viewpoints of persons and groups affected by the policy. Amendments may be proposed by Board Members. An amendment shall not require that the policy go through an additional reading except when the Board determines that further study is needed or that an additional reading would be helpful.
Under unusual circumstances, the Board may temporarily approve a policy to meet emergency conditions. However, the above procedure is required before the policy shall be considered permanent.
Policy Revision and Review
In an effort to keep its written policies up to date, the Board shall review them on a continual basis. Policy revision shall be accomplished in the same manner as policy adoption, except that revisions mandated by changes in law shall not require a second reading and may be adopted upon final vote at the first meeting.
From time to time the Board may undertake a process to review and revise all of the policies in its manual. At the Board's discretion, it may utilize an outside facilitator to conduct this review and revision process. The process shall include opportunities for staff, parent and community involvement. Once the review and revision process is complete, the Board may choose to adopt the revised policy manual in its entirety by approval of a resolution. In this event, the above policy adoption process, including any readings, shall not apply.
The Board expects that its policies will use appropriate language and proper grammar. Staff may make necessary, non-substantive, technical and style revisions by providing written notice to the Board without those items being formally presented on a Board agenda.
Board Review of Regulations
Regulations are more detailed explanations to guide the implementation of Board policy and have the force of policy. To facilitate efficiency, regulations shall be reviewed by the Board as an information item and will go into immediate effect after review, unless the Board directs revision, requests official Board action, or when required by state or federal law. In those instances, the regulation shall be scheduled for further review or for official Board action, as appropriate.
Before issuance, regulations shall be properly titled and coded.
Policy Communication
The Superintendent shall establish and maintain an orderly plan for preserving and disseminating Board policies and regulations. Staff will be informed of policy changes on a regular basis.
The Board's policy manual is a public record and shall be open for inspection at the administrative offices of the School District and on the School District's website.
Monitoring Policy Implementation
The Board shall continually monitor the implementation of its policies to ensure that reasonable progress is being made toward achieving the Board's goals and that operation of the School District is consistent with its policies.
Suspension/Repeal of Policy
In the event of special circumstances, the operation of any Board policy, including those governing its own operating procedures, may be temporarily suspended by a two-thirds majority vote of Board Members present at any regular or special meeting. This authority shall not apply to any Board policy established by law or by contract.
Policy repeal shall be accomplished in the same manner as policy adoption.
C.R.S. § 22-32-109 (1)(a-c), (y)(I) (specific duties of board)
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