Boulder Valley School District


  • D
  • Fiscal Management

File: DLC (pdf)
Adopted: Date of manual adoption, current practice codified in 1978
Revised: June 22, 2004, January 24, 2006, June 9, 2009


Employees who are required to travel from school, to school, and/or out of town on business for the District shall be reimbursed upon application by the employee and approval by their supervisor.

Claims for reimbursement shall be accompanied by such documentation as may be required by the Accounting Services Department. Mileage reimbursements shall be made at the District’s current mileage reimbursement rate. This rate is based upon the current Internal Revenue Service approved mileage rate.

Professional travel outside of the contiguous 48 states requires approval of the Superintendent prior to the trip.

If an employee receives a cash advance for professional travel, any unused advance must be returned to the District within 30 days of the trip. If an unused advance is not returned in a timely manner, the District is authorized to deduct the full amount of the advance from the employee’s next net pay.

Any expense reimbursements that are to be paid directly to an employee require proper authorization.

Teachers' Agreement, Section E  
Paraeducators' Agreement, Section F

BID/BIE, Board Member Compensation and Expenses/Insurance
Business Resource Handbook

End of File: DLC