Boulder Valley School District


  • E
  • Support Services

File:  ECB (pdf)
Adopted:   prior to 1969
Revised: June 8, 2021


The Board of Education believes that students, families, staff, and community members deserve safe, healthy, and inclusive environments.

Operations supports district vision by ensuring that all district sites and building systems are operating properly to provide a safe and healthy learning and working environment. Operations consists of managing and maintaining the building envelope and structure (carpentry, lock shop, roofs, windows, doors, and paint), security controls, electrical, HVAC, plumbing, indoor air quality (IAQ), and integrated pest management (IPM), custodial operations, and exterior grounds by performing custodial, security, and maintenance operations for all district buildings. Staff work year around responding to district needs through well-planned preventive maintenance schedules and addressing site-generated work orders. All operations staff are responsible for ensuring all district buildings are maintained in accordance with applicable standard operating procedures, codes, and regulations.

Principal's Responsibility

Because the operational and maintenance programs are so vital to the instructional program, it is important that the building principal and the Director of Facilities cooperate closely. The principal shall make recommendations regarding the employment, assignment, transfer, or dismissal of custodians in the building. The principal shall make periodic inspections of the building and grounds, and shall request needed operational and maintenance services through the proper channels.

Staff Responsibility

All staff members should be constantly aware that the school and classroom environments can have a positive or negative effect on learning. Schools and classrooms should be clean, orderly, and attractive, and the furniture and equipment should fit the needs of the students. Problems should be brought to the attention of the principal immediately, so that the principal may arrange for their solution.


End of File: ECB