Boulder Valley School District


  • E
  • Support Services

File: EFA‐R (pdf)
Adopted: June 8, 2004
Revised: April 10, 2007, August 25, 2015, August 10, 2016, February 13, 2019


BVSD Healthy Food Guidelines will cover vendors outside of Nutrition Services, snack and beverage vending machines, student stores, fundraisers, and any regularly offered food during a child’s school day (the midnight before to ½ hour after school).

Two categories have been identified in these guidelines: Beverages and Competitive Food Items.


Per CDE Healthy Beverages Policy SB08-129 and HUSSC Guidelines, the following beverages may be sold or offered at schools:

  • Plain or carbonated water.
  • Low-fat or fat-free milk. Milk includes nutritionally equivalent milk alternatives such as soy milk (per USDA).
  • 100% juice with no added sweeteners and containing up to 120 calories/8 ounce serving.
  • High schools: Other drinks, up to 12 ounce servings with no more than 40 calories/8 ounces or 60 calories/12 ounces.
  • Maximum beverage size is limited to 8 ounces in elementary schools, 10 ounces in middle schools, and 12 ounces in high schools.

The following other beverages may not be sold or offered during a child’s school day:

  • Diet sodas, or any beverages containing nonnutritive sweeteners (sucralose, saccharin, aspartame, etc.), high fructose corn syrup, or hydrogenated or trans fats, or caffeine.
  • Beverages containing artificial dyes, additives, or preservatives.


  • Beverages sold at school-related events occurring outside of the regular and extended school day where parents and other adults are a significant part of the audience are exempt from the above beverage standards.
  • Caffeinated beverages may be sold to students at high schools through programs that provide students in the Intensive Learning Center with the unique opportunity to practice real-life career and post-secondary skill development in the safety of a school setting. Skills may include but are not limited to customer relations; budget creation and fiscal management; real-world business experiences; opportunities to partner with community-based companies; relationship development through genuine interactions between students in the intensive learning center and their peers; resume and cover letter writing; job application writing; job interviewing; critical thinking; problem solving and accountability.

Beverage sales may not conflict with National School Breakfast, the National School Lunch Program, and the Colorado Competitive Foods Policy. As such, beverages may not be sold during, 30 minutes prior to, or 30 minutes after any school meal period. Caffeinated beverage sales may not continue after 1:00pm. All items sold must comply with federal Smart Snack guidelines.

School programs must also be reviewed and approved by the Student Services division of the Intensive Learning Center Program and the Superintendent.


The following food items may be sold or offered outside of the federal school meal programs at schools:

  • All fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables (with no added ingredients except water), canned fruits (packed in water, 100% juice, extra light syrup, or light syrup), and canned vegetables (with low sodium or no salt, and no added fats). These items are exempt from all nutrient-based standards listed below.
  • All other food items that meet the following Smart Snacks in School food standards:
    • Be a whole-grain rich product, containing 50% or more whole grains by weight or have whole grains as a first ingredient; or
    • Have as the first ingredient a fruit, a vegetable, a dairy product, or a protein food; or
    • Be a combination food that contains at least ¼ cup of fruit and/or vegetable; or
    • Contain 10% or more of the Daily Value (DV) of nutrients for calcium, potassium, vitamin D, or dietary fiber.
  • AND also meet the following Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards:
    • 35% or less of total calories from fat.
    • 0 grams of trans fat.
    • Less than 10% of total calories from saturated fat.
    • 35% or less of total weight in sugar.
    • 200mg sodium or less for snacks; 480 mg sodium or less for entrees.
    • 200 calories or less for snacks; 350 calories or less for entrees.

Exceptions to the above nutrient standards apply to these select foods:

  • Reduced Fat Cheese (exempt from total fat and saturated fat standards)
  • Nuts, seeds, and nut/seed butters (exempt from total fat and saturated fat standards)
  • Dried Fruits combined with nuts or seeds (exempt from total fat, saturated fat, and sugar standards)
  • Seafood with no added fat (exempt from total fat standard)
  • Whole eggs with no added fat (exempt from total fat and saturated fat standard)
  • Dried fruit and vegetables with no added nutritive sweeteners (exempt from sugar standard)
  • Dried cranberries, blueberries, and cherries with added nutritive sweeteners (exempt from sugar standard)

The following food items may not be sold or offered at schools:

  • Food items containing nonnutritive sweeteners (sucralose, saccharin, aspartame, etc.), high fructose corn syrup, or hydrogenated or trans fats, or caffeine.
  • Food items containing artificial dyes, additives, or preservatives.

End of File: EFA‐R