Boulder Valley School District


  • E
  • Support Services

File: EGAAA* (pdf)
Adopted: date of manual adoption Revised and Adopted: April 28, 1988

Associated Exhibit: EGAAA-E2
Associated Regulation: EGAAA-R


Copyrighted materials shall not be duplicated by School District employees or on School District equipment in violation of the exclusive rights of the holders of the copyright on such materials.

Copyrighted materials may be duplicated only with the prior written permission of the copyright holder, or when the duplication constitutes a "fair use" of the materials as that term is defined by law. The School District assumes no liability for infringement of copyright by individual employees.

Copyrighted computer software shall not be duplicated for personal, business, or other use without the express written permission of the copyright owner.

Specific regulations and guidelines developed to assist school staff in determining the correct procedures in duplicating copyrighted materials shall be widely distributed throughout the District, and shall be strictly observed and adhered to by everyone involved in duplicating materials for school use.

Current practice codified 1978

Title 17, U.S. Code (P.L. 94-553, October 19, 1976)
Agreement on Guidelines for Classroom Copying in Not-for-Profit Educational Institutions, March 19, 1976, printed as H.R. 94-1476, pp. 70-71

GCQB, Professional Research and Publishing

NOTE: The accompanying Regulation EGAAA*-R and Exhibits EGAAA*-E(1) and EGAAA*-E(2) are considered an integral part of this policy in that they set forth, in summary, the specific legal requirements regarding duplicating of copyrighted materials.

End of File: EGAAA*