Boulder Valley School District


  • E
  • Support Services

File:   EGAAA-E2 (pdf)
Adopted:   prior to 1978


A. Guidelines for Sound Recordings

A single copy of a sound recording of copyrighted materials may be made from sound recordings owned by the school or teacher for immediate classroom aural exercises or examinations without permission, as long as the recording itself has not been copyrighted.

B. Guidelines for Copying of Sheet Music

The guidelines for classroom copying in not-for-profit educational institutions with respect to books and periodicals also apply to copying of sheet music and sound recordings, with the following specific stipulations:

C. Permissible Uses

  1. Emergency copying to replace purchased copies which for any reason are not available for an imminent performance provided purchased replacement copies shall be substituted in due course.
  2. For academic purposes other than performance, multiple copies of excerpts of works may be made, provided that the excerpts do not comprise a part of the whole which would constitute a performable unit such as a section, movement, or aria but in no case more than 10 percent of the whole work. The number of copies shall not exceed one copy per pupil.
  3. Printed copies which have been purchased may be edited or simplified provided that the fundamental character of the work is not distorted or the lyrics, if any, altered or lyrics added if none exist.
  4. A single copy of recordings or performances by students may be made for evaluation or rehearsal purposes and may be retained by the educational institution or individual teacher.
  5. A single copy of a sound recording (such as a tape, disc, or cassette) of copyrighted music may be made from sound recordings owned by an educational institution or an individual teacher for the purpose of constructing oral exercises or examination and may be retained by the educational institution or individual teacher. (This pertains only to the copyright of the music itself and not to any copyright which may exist in the sound recording.)

D. Prohibitions

  1. Copying for the purpose of performance except as in A.1. above.
  2. Copying for the purpose of substituting for the purchase of music except as in A.1. and 2. above.
  3. Copying without inclusion of the copyright notice which appears on the printed copy.

At present, there are no guidelines for duplication of non-print media. Duplication of such materials (TV programs, films, etc.) must be considered violations of copyright unless subsequent guidelines are developed permitting such use.

Current practice codified in 1978

End of File:  EGAAA-E2