Boulder Valley School District


  • E
  • Support Services

Adopted:   September 1978
Revised:    November 8, 2022, January 9, 2024 

Snow Days, Inclement Weather, or Emergencies

When weather conditions exist or situations occur that could lead to district-wide closings, the Assistant Superintendent of Operational Services will consult with appropriate district transportation and maintenance staff to gather information in order to advise the Superintendent or designee. Once the Superintendent or designee has made a final decision, the Assistant Superintendent of Operational Services will notify the designated central services personnel and the appropriate administrator for communications services who will contact the media by 5:30 a.m., if possible.

In some cases, facilities may be closed but employees will be expected to report to work. This information should be determined and clearly communicated at the time the closure is announced.

Personnel Expectations for Closings

In the event of closings due to inclement weather or other emergencies, the following personnel should make every effort to accomplish essential and required work either remotely or by reporting physically to work:

  1. Superintendent and Cabinet
  2. Principals or designee
  3. Security Operations Center Staff and Security Agents
  4. Custodians
  5. Maintenance Supervisors
  6. Maintenance Staff

For all other personnel, departments should determine annually any essential personnel and work activities that must occur in the event of school/district closings and ensure all personnel understand their responsibilities.

Mountain Schools

Mountain schools include Jamestown, Gold Hill, Nederland Elementary and Nederland Middle/Senior High School. When the decision is made to close mountain area schools, selected routes providing student transportation from mountain area residences to non-mountain area schools will also be canceled (even though these schools and terminals will remain open).

School Activities and Athletic Events

When schools are closed due to inclement weather or emergencies, all student activities, athletic events and practices, and special trips will be canceled. Exceptions may only be made by agreement of the Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent of Operational Services.

The Director of Transportation may cancel/modify evening and weekend special trips as necessary if they determine weather or road conditions pose significant risk to passenger safety or district liability by contacting the School Principal and the trip sponsor.

Community Schools 

All Community School programs will be monitored and the decision regarding canceling programs or activities will be made by the Executive Director of Community Schools in consultation with the Assistant Superintendent of Operations.

Two-hour Delay

A two-hour delay may be announced if temporary adverse weather conditions exist in the morning, including but not limited to high winds, cold temperatures, or unfavorable road conditions during morning travel time.

In the event of an announced delayed start, morning bus pick-up times and the school day will start two (2) hours after the normal start time at every grade level and the following items shall be in effect:

  • School will end at its normal time
  • Afternoon bus departure times will not be adjusted
  • Morning bus pick-up will be two (2) hours after the normal pick-up. For example, a normal bus pick-up time of 7:35 a.m. will be delayed until 9:35 a.m.
    • If the delay occurs on a Wednesday (typical one-hour late-start), buses will run as described above. Schools will start two (2) hours after their normal (non-Wednesday) start time as described above.
  • Preschool Enrichment
    • On Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays Preschool Enrichment will begin two hours after the usual start time.
    • On Wednesdays, Preschool Enrichment will begin at its normal start time. 
  • Early Connections
    • Early Connections will begin at 9:30am (two (2) hours after their normal start time)  
  • School Age Care and Lifelong Learning
    • All morning sessions will be canceled 
  • Food Service Protocol
    • Breakfast will be canceled at all schools 
    • Lunch will be served at its normal time 
    • Snack and other after-school food programs will proceed as usual
  • PK-12 Programming
    • Morning half-day integrated preschool is canceled. 
    • Morning athletic practices will be canceled. 
    • Morning classes at Boulder TEC are canceled. Afternoon session will run on a normal schedule.
    • Morning Arapahoe Ridge classes are canceled. Afternoon session will run on the normal schedule. 
    • Mid-day buses from the high schools to Arapahoe Ridge/Boulder TEC will run on their normal schedules.

Personnel Expectations for a Delayed Start

Unless otherwise designated below, employees are expected to report to work one hour after their school/department’s regularly scheduled start time. If an employee’s shift normally starts after the one-hour staff delay, the employee will report at their normal start time.

  • Food Service employees will report at their normal start time
  • Transportation employees will report according to the department’s protocol
  • Community Schools employees will report according to the department’s protocol
  • Itinerant/part-time teachers
    • Itinerant teachers should report to the building they would normally be in at the time that schools will be opening
    • If a school changes its bell schedule for the day, and this change affects an employee’s ability to get to another regularly-scheduled class in a different building on time, the school that modifies its bell schedule is responsible for finding coverage so that the teacher can get to their regularly-scheduled class
    • Unless otherwise worked out with building administrators, teachers should report to buildings according to the time that they are regularly scheduled, rather than the period that they are scheduled

Early Dismissal

If during the day severe weather conditions develop that necessitate sending students home early, all efforts will be coordinated through the office of the Assistant Superintendent of Operational Services. Appropriate communications with parents regarding their student(s) being released early must be accomplished before dismissal. Building administrators must ensure that sufficient staff remains on site until all students have been released to a parent/guardian or emergency contact.

Preapproved Time Off

Preapproved vacation, personal, and sick time will be charged during district closings.

End of File:  EBCE-R