- E
- Support Services
File: EEACC (pdf)
Adopted: prior to 1969
Revised: date of manual adoption
Parents rightfully expect safe, efficient school bus service. However, it remains the responsibility of the parent to extend full cooperation in seeing that his child obeys the bus regulations as established and that he practices all recommended safety procedures. Students shall be required to conform to all regulations regarding discipline, behavior, and safety while riding on the school bus. A list of the basic rules are distributed to students.
Violation of bus regulations may result in suspension from the privilege of riding the bus. The suspension and length of suspension shall be determined by the appropriate building principal, after consultation with the parent and bus driver as well as the Manager of Transportation and the Director of Pupil Services as deemed necessary.
Written notice of the suspension by the principal will be given to both the parents and the Manager of Transportation. No child will be required to leave the bus between his home and the school.
If suspension from the privilege of riding the bus is determined to be tantamount to suspension from school, the length of suspension shall be subject to state law and Board policies regarding student suspension.
C.R.S. 22-32-109(1)(w)
C.R.S. Title 22, Article 33
JGD/JGE, Student Suspension/Expulsion
NOTE: The transportation office publishes regulations for student conduct on school buses, and distributes these to all bus drivers, schools, and students at least annually.
End of File: EEACC