Boulder Valley School District


  • E
  • Support Services

File:  EEA (pdf)
Adopted:  prior to 1969
Revised: date of manual adoption

Associated Regulation: EEA-R


School-Owned and School-Operated Transportation System

For those students eligible for transportation, the School District makes all the provisions for the operation and maintenance of a fleet of school buses to transport pupils to and from schools, except in rare instances in which the School District contracts with an individual citizen to provide pupil transportation. It is recognized by the state legislature that transportation is a necessary element of the educational system, and the state has granted financial aid for it the same as for instruction and other current expenses of the school.

Under Colorado school law, the Board of Education is not required to furnish transportation. The Board may determine the routes of transportation and the points at which pupils shall be received and delivered. It is emphasized that the Board of Education may require parents to furnish their own transportation, especially from remote areas; to contribute toward the expense of transportation; or to furnish some financial assistance in lieu of transportation.

Legal Limitations

The School District is prevented by law from (1) providing transportation to pupils enrolled in private or parochial schools in any motor vehicle owned, operated, or maintained by the District, either with or without compensation to the District; (2) becoming indebted for payments in lieu of transportation to any person or organization for pupils enrolled in private or parochial schools; or (3) obtaining reimbursement from the Public School Transportation Fund for transportation in any motor vehicle — whether owned or rented and operated by the District, or privately owned or operated for such purpose under contract with the District — in which pupils enrolled in private or parochial schools are transported simultaneously with pupils enrolled in public schools.

Transportation - Special Education

"Special transportation" refers to those transportation services provided to handicapped students in addition to regularly provided transportation services. These services may be required because of the special nature of the program, the exceptional characteristics of the students, and/or the location of special education programs and services.

  1. Special transportation will be provided for all handicapped children who are unable to walk to school safely and who are unable to ride regularly provided transportation.
  2. Each elementary special education child requiring special transportation will be picked up at his home and returned to his home or as near to his home as possible in the event the bus is unable to turn around safely. Junior and senior high school children may meet the bus at a central location a reasonable distance from home.

Transportation During Boundary Changes

Any Board-approved school boundary change may result in transportation services being provided to both the prior school and the new school of attendance.

In the case of elementary, middle, and junior high students, transportation will only be provided to the new school of attendance once the boundary change becomes effective. In the case of senior high students, transportation may be provided to the previous school of attendance up to one year after the effective date of the change so that junior students may complete their senior year.

Transportation for Pupils Attending School Out of Their Regular Attendance Area

Transportation services shall not be provided for those students attending school out of the attendance area of their regularly assigned school. It becomes the responsibility, therefore, of the parent(s) or guardian to see that their child is transported to the school out of the attendance area. However, the Board will allow the students to meet the school bus at an existing bus stop within the attendance area of the new school. The student may ride the school bus from that point to school and return as long as there is space on the bus and no new bus stop is established.

All students attending schools out of their regular attendance area must have the change approved by the supervisor of Pupil Personnel Services.


End of File:  EEA