Boulder Valley School District


  • E
  • Support Services

File:   EEADA-R (pdf)
Adopted: date of manual adoption


The Director of Plant and Auxiliary Services shall determine the hours and days when School District transportation equipment may be used by nonschool community groups, in conformance with conditions set by Board policy.

This information shall be available to community groups through the office of the Superintendent of Schools.

The Director of Plant and Auxiliary Services shall be responsible for approving and scheduling, in the time available, the use of School District transportation equipment. In approving and scheduling such use, the following criteria shall be applied:

  1. No use by groups of less than five shall be approved.
  2. Insurance coverage provided by the user group shall be in effect during the time of any such use, with coverage similar to and limits not less than the insurance coverage which is in effect while the School District transportation equipment is being used for transportation of pupils.
  3. No use shall be approved which involves travel over roads or distances which are unduly wearing or damaging to the equipment or for which the equipment construction or equipping is inappropriate.
  4. Use shall not be approved if the fuel consumption involved adversely affects the amount of fuel available for School District purposes.
  5. Any approval of use shall be subject to cancellation in the event of adverse road, weather, or other conditions which could reasonably present a danger to passengers, drivers, or equipment or in the event of unexpected or emergency school needs.
  6. Use shall not be approved unless some individual identifies himself as coordinator or leader of the group and agrees to assume the responsibility for collection and remittance to the District of the required reimbursement.
  7. Use shall be approved only where the group requesting such use submits a written request at least ten days prior to the use, designating the number of riders, the dates and hours of use, the pickup and delivery points, and such other information as the Director of Plant and Auxiliary Services deems appropriate. Each such request shall be accompanied by a deposit in the approximate amount of the reimbursement which will be required as determined by the Director of Plant and Auxiliary Services. Upon final determination of reimbursement required, the deposit shall be supplemented by the users or a refund made by the District as is appropriate.
  8. Use shall not be approved if it is for partisan political activity, activity promoting or opposing any sectarian views, activity which is potentially disruptive or dangerous, activity which if uniformly  extended would result in uses which would impinge upon school use, or activities of a similar nature which are inappropriate for School District participation.
  9. Use shall be approved only where the equipment and service available is appropriate to the physical condition of the users.
  10. Use shall be approved only where the group requesting such use is open to all persons who may be reasonably and appropriately included in the group.

All use shall be subject to the availability of appropriate equipment and personnel. The Director of Plant and Auxiliary Services may impose such requirements as necessary regarding supervisory personnel assigned to accompany any group using District vehicles.

Any group availing itself of use pursuant to these regulations shall agree to and shall reimburse the School District for all of the expenses for operation of such motor vehicles as determined by the School District auditor. Such expenses, in addition to others approved by the auditor, shall, upon approval of the auditor, include the following:

  1. The actual cost of salaries of drivers and other personnel involved in providing or facilitating the transportation by the nonschool group.
  2. The actual pro rata cost, if any, of the insurance required to be provided.
  3. The actual cost of fuel and oil consumed.
  4. A reasonable pro rata assessment to cover maintenance.
  5. A reasonable assessment to cover pro rata share of depreciation.
  6. A reasonable assessment to cover a pro rata share of driver preparation and training cost.
  7. All costs resulting from vandalism occurring during the use.

Incidental costs such as, but not limited to, alternative transportation in the event of a breakdown, feeding and housing of users, and similar costs shall be the responsibility of the group using the equipment.

Current practice codified 1978

End of File:  EEADA-R