Boulder Valley School District


  • F
  • Facilities Development

File: FL (pdf)
Adopted:   April 19, 1984
Revised: August 26, 1999


The decision to sell the School District's real school property rests solely with the Board
of Education. The Board's decision shall be based upon whether such property is needed
within the foreseeable future for the purposes of the District, unless such property is sold to a Colorado state agency or political subdivision or the Board anticipates that the
District will become the tenant of the property under a lease, with or without an option to purchase.

All sales must be by sealed bid pursuant to notice of sale, published at least twice and at
least five days (excluding Saturday and Sunday) before the bid opening or auction date in all newspapers of general circulation within the School District.

All bids of $500 or more must be accompanied by a certified check in the amount of 5
percent of the total bid price, made payable to the School District.

Bid proposals must be filed in duplicate on the forms provided by the School District.

The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

When selling real estate, the Board shall establish a minimum value acceptable to the
Board. A legal description must be given of all such property offered for sale. The terms
of the sale shall be cash, and the total purchase price must be paid before title or
possession is given.

The Board of Education may lease school property pending the sale thereof and may also, at its discretion, lease school property which is not needed for the purposes of the

If, in the judgment of the Board of Education, the best interests of the District are served, the provisions of this policy requiring competitive bidding and cash sales may be waived and the Board may authorize the sale or other disposition of surplus property upon such terms and conditions as it may approve.

C.R.S. 22-32-110(e) and (f)

DFB, Revenues from Licensing of School Facilities for Telecommunication Uses

NOTE: For disposal of school property other than real estate, see DN, School Properties
Disposal Procedures.

End of File: FL