Boulder Valley School District


  • G
  • Personnel

File: GCQB-R (pdf)
Adopted: Prior to 1978 


1. Persons Affected by Procedure 

District employees creating materials during or related to their contracted job assignment. Any other persons using District facilities in the development of educational materials. Any person not included above who collaborates with a District employee or employees in preparing educational materials. All such collaborators shall be required, as a condition of receiving compensation for their services from the District, to enter into a contract with the District assigning to the District any and all rights in and to the educational materials produced, including the right to copyright or to receive royalties on the educational materials in their own name. 

2. Responsibilities of Participating Parties 

a. Every Boulder Valley School District employee involved in preparing educational materials for the District shall comply with this policy and procedure and shall agree to: 

  1. Inform all District‐paid collaborators on a project of the terms and conditions of this policy and procedure. 
  2. Report to the Director of Educational Programs, in writing, all educational materials which have commercial potential. 
  3. Assign to the Boulder Valley School District any and all rights to new educational  materials in which the District has an interest, as determined by the terms of this policy and procedure. 

b.It will be the responsibility of the Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services to disseminate Board policy and regulations pertaining to this matter to all employees involved in preparing educational materials. However, failure to do so shall not affect the rights and obligations of any persons included under the terms of the policy and regulations. 

3. Copyright Committee 

c. The Superintendent of Schools shall appoint a copyright committee of three members. 

  1. The committee shall be composed of the appropriate level director, the Assistant Superintendent, and the Director for Educational Programs. 
  2. The attorney for the School District or his designee shall serve as copyright officer, a nonvoting, ex‐officio member of the committee. 
  3. The committee shall receive and review copies of educational materials, and make suggestions to the Superintendent of Schools whether such materials might be developed commercially. 4. Copyright Officer 

4. The copyright officer shall be responsible, upon recommendation of the copyright committee and with the approval of the Superintendent, to: 

a. Recommend that the Board of Education waive all or a portion of rights to educational materials. 
b. Submit copyright applications on behalf of the Boulder Valley School District. 
c. Execute, on behalf of the District, all licensing and other commercial agreements. 
d. Obtain the requisite signed documents. NOTE: Special copyright agreement and waiver forms for collaborators who work with District employees on the preparation of educational materials are available from the office of the Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services. 

End of File: GCQB-R