- G
- Personnel
File: GCL (pdf)
Adopted: Date of manual adoption
Staff Growth and Development
The Board recognizes the importance of maintaining, developing, and extending the skills of professional staff members. Opportunities shall be provided systematically to ensure staff growth and development which will be reflected in increased personal and professional competence.
Provisions shall be made for growth producing experiences through:
- Planned inservice programs, courses, seminars, and workshops offered within the school system.
- Visits to other classrooms and schools and attendance at conferences, workshops, and other professional meetings.
- Leaves of absence for advanced training.
In addition, released time may be granted for conferences and visitations — and expenses may be reimbursed — provided such activities are approved in advance by the principal and the appropriate director and are within budget allocations for the purpose.
Leadership Education Program
Within the constraints of available resources, the Board of Education endorses the concept of a leadership education program which will permit capable and qualified District teachers and administrators to further prepare themselves for candidacy for District leadership positions. The program shall provide training experiences designed to increase the participants' knowledge of and sensitivity to prevailing District philosophy, policy, and practice.
Whenever District needs permit, internships shall be an integral component of the leadership education program. Internship positions shall be posted in accordance with established District policy and procedures regarding administrative internships and filling of vacancies.
District leadership positions, however, will be awarded to the best qualified person from among all who apply, including those from within the school system and those from outside.
Current practice codified 1978
C.R.S. 22-32-110(1)(k)
Teachers' agreement, Sections E, F
Principals' agreement
DLC, Expense Reimbursements
GCBA-1, Professional Staff Salary Schedules, Teachers
GCDA, Professional Staff Certification Responsibilities
NOTE: The professional growth plan and the compensation and functions of the various professional growth committees are filed under GCDA, Professional Staff Certification Responsibilities, and the accompanying regulation. Sabbatical leaves are covered under GCBD-1 and GCBD-2, Professional Staff Leaves and Absences, Teachers and Professional Staff Leaves and Absences, Administrators.
End of File: GCL