Boulder Valley School District


  • G
  • Personnel

File:    GCBD-2 (pdf)
Adopted:   Date of manual adoption
Revised: May 28, 1992


Administrative and supervisory personnel shall be granted leave privileges on substantially the same basis that such leave is granted teachers.  Bereavement leave, sick leave, personal leave, time off to vote, time for jury duty and court appearances, religious holiday leave, leave for professional study, and military leave for administrators shall be granted in accordance with the teachers' negotiated agreement.  

Short-Term Professional Leave

Each member of the administrative team will have an appropriate allocation of funds annually available for expenses to attend inservice conferences and meetings.  In addition, funds will be available to send administrators to significant national meetings on a regular basis. Approved short-term leaves for professional purposes shall be considered part of the administrator's regular assignment.  

Short-Term Absence Reporting

Administrators shall be responsible for reporting their absences from their assignments.  The Superintendent shall be informed of substantial absences of building principals and other key central administrators.  

Extended Leave for Professional Improvement

Any member of the administrative team, after serving five years with the District in an administrative capacity, shall be eligible to apply — subject to the recommendation of the Superintendent and approval by the Board of Education — for up to a one-year leave of absence for professional study at one-half pay for that year or portion of the year for which the leave has been approved.

Applicants for such leave will be considered, first, on the basis of benefit of the leave to the District; and, second, on the basis of the employee's past contribution to the District.  The application for a leave for professional study shall be filed in the office of the immediate director no later than March 1 or October 1 preceding the term that is desired that the leave become effective.  Decisions shall be made no later than April 1 or November 1 preceding the term desired.  

Prior to receiving his or her monthly prorated salary payments while on leave, the member shall execute and file with the Board a declaration of intent to return to the District in a similar position and to duly and faithfully perform satisfactory service for a period of not less than one year upon completion of the leave and study.  A promissory note for the amount of pay to be received while on leave shall be executed and filed with the Board as collateral and security for the Board against nonperformance of intention.  This note will be due in full upon the first day of assigned duty if the member does not return to work for the District.

Current practice codified 1978

C.R.S. 22-63-203(2)(b)(III)

Teachers' agreement, Section E    

GCBE, Professional Staff Vacations and Holidays

End of File:  GCBD-2