- G
- Personnel
File: GCA-R (pdf)
Adopted: Date of manual adoption
Administrative Team (Leadership Personnel)
- In making decisions, members of the administrative team normally will consult with members of their staffs and/or with those individuals most directly affected by their decisions.
- Consistent with the District philosophy for attendance at professional meetings, administrative team members shall be expected to attend significant professional meetings with expenses reimbursed.
- Administrative team members are expected to question, through proper channels, those District policies and procedures with which they disagree and/or feel can be improved by their input.
- Administrative team members are expected to maintain a mastery of their field of administration.
- The administrative team member shall be responsible for reporting his absences from his assignment.
- The Superintendent shall be kept informed of absences of building principals and other key central administrators.
A. Definitions
- According to Colorado statutes, teachers are divided into three categories:
a. Part-time teachers - teachers who normally work during the entire academic year but fewer than four hours per day.
b. Substitute teachers - teachers employed on a substitute rather than regular classroom assignment basis and/or work more than four hours per day but fewer than 90 days per year.
c. Teachers - all teachers not included in items a. and b. above.
According to the statutes only "teachers," as defined above, are eligible to acquire or maintain tenure. Part-time and substitute teachers are not eligible for tenure.
2. For employment practices in the Boulder Valley School District it has been necessary to divide "teachers" into two subgroups.
a. Regular teachers - those teachers employed on a full-time basis and whom the District intends to keep on a tenure track.
b. Limited term teachers - those individuals employed in a regular classroom assignment who work at least four hours per day and more than 90 days per year, but for a limited term only. Since the District does not intend to retain these individuals continuously, they are not placed on a tenure track and are employed for a limited term only.
B. For employment purposes, teaching personnel will be contracted on the following basis:
1. Part-time teachers will be employed on a substitute or part-time teacher's employment contract (see exhibit GCA-E). By definition these individuals are not eligible for tenure. Included in the contract is a statement (language of waiver) specifying that individuals so employed are not entitled to the rights and privileges conferred by the Teacher Employment, Dismissal and Tenure Act of 1967, and that time spent in such employment shall not accrue to the obtaining tenure status.
2. Substitute teachers. Teachers employed on a substitute rather than a regular classroom assignment basis and/or work more than four hours per day but fewer than 90 days per year will be employed according to the same conditions outlined above for part-time teachers.
3. Regular teachers. These individuals will be contracted on the standard teacher's contract.
4. Limited term teachers. Those individuals employed in a regular classroom assignment who work more than four hours per day and more than 90 days per year, but for a limited term only, will be contracted on a limited term teacher's contract (see GCA-E). Language of waiver is included in the contract since the District does not intend to retain these employees continuously and they are not placed on a tenure track. The individual so employed does waive the rights and privileges conferred by the Teacher Employment, Dismissal and Tenure Act of 1967.
5. Less than full-time assignment but more than four-hour teachers. These individuals will be employed on a limited term teacher's employment contract as outlined in item 4. above.
C. Four clock-hour requirement. With respect to less than full-time teachers, all time spent by a teacher at school which is required by the District, including planning periods, time before and after regular hours, and passing time, will be included in calculating the four-hour requirement of the Tenure Act. By contrast, time volunteered by the teacher, for special projects, etc., will not be included. Faculty meetings and other ad-hoc special projects designated by the principal are also not to be included. Only that time specified by the District and agreed upon by the Director of Personnel and the principal in consultation with the appropriate level director prior to the assignment will be included.
D. Tenured teachers who request less than full-time assignments. Tenure teachers who voluntarily request less than full-time assignments will be dealt with according to the following guidelines:
- Tenured teachers who request and are granted an assignment of less than four clock hours per day will become part-time contract teachers who forfeit tenure. These individuals will be so notified before reassignment.
- Tenured teachers who request and receive an assignment of less than full-time but more than four clock hours will retain tenure but will be notified that the District is no longer obligated to them for more than the time involved in the reassignment request.
- Such reductions in assignment will not be granted automatically but only if they appear to be in the best interest of both the teacher and the School District.
E. Evaluation
Teachers employed on limited term, substitute, or part-time status will be evaluated by the principal in the same manner as regular teachers are evaluated.
F. Special Tenure Status
Colorado statutes do give the local Board of Education discretionary powers in the granting of tenure. Therefore, if an individual is employed for three years on a temporary or limited contract and is reemployed for the fourth year and if their performance has been meritorious, the Director of Personnel, the appropriate level director, and the Superintendent of Schools, in consultation with the employee's principal, will determine if this individual is to be recommended to the Board for special tenure consideration. The same procedure would apply for teachers who are employed for the fourth year after working for three years under a combination of regular and limited term contracts.
Current practice codified 1978
C.R.S. 22-63-101-118 (Teacher Employment, Dismissal and Tenure Act)
End of File: GCA-R