- G
- Personnel
File: GBEA-R (pdf)
Adopted: August 14, 2012
Associated Policy: GBEA
Administrative Regulation
The intent behind this policy and regulation is to keep personal and familial relationships from getting in the way of professional relationships and allowing for equity of opportunity in all aspects of the employment relationship.
Hiring, Supervising, and Evaluating situations impacted include but are not limited to principal/building employee, assistant principal/building employee, coach/assistant coach (same sport), and any other supervisor/subordinate employment relationship.
Current board policy defines immediate family as “husband, wife, parent, child, brother, sister, domestic partner, brother- and sister-in-law, mother- and father-in-law, daughter-and son-in-law, grandparents, and grandchildren. Domestic partner means an adult with whom the employee maintains a household and has shared an exclusive, committed relationship for a least one year with the intent for the relationship to last indefinitely.
Employees will not be considered for any promotion that would result in the employee supervising and/or evaluating an immediate family member in violation of the accompanying policy unless said employees have satisfactorily resolved the conflict inherent in a situation where a supervisor directly or indirectly may exercise supervisory, appointment, or dismissal authority or disciplinary action over an immediate family member.
Change in Circumstances and Transfer
If employees become immediate family members as defined herein through a change in circumstance and one employee supervises and/or evaluates the other, the affected employees will make prior or immediate arrangements to voluntarily transfer and/or change employment so that there is no violation of the accompanying policy.
For non-probationary employees only, the District may assist with a voluntary transfer. The District retains the right to administratively transfer non-probationary employees and/or non- renew or terminate probationary employees in accordance with the law, applicable negotiated agreements and district policy. Though the District will attempt to accommodate the transition of non-probationary employees as set forth above, this Regulation is not intended to waive any rights or privileges of the District with respect to employment of employees.
Exceptions/Regulation Adoption
Existing employees in a conflict situation known to the District on or before May 1, 2012, will be “grandfathered” and allowed an exception to continue in their current positions so long as the relationship does not interfere with the educational environment.
Factors for Consideration
If the district assists with a transfer of employees who are in violation of this policy, the following factors will be considered for the involved employees:
- Type and number of open positions available
- Likelihood of other qualified positions being available
- Licensures status, qualifications and experience
- Probationary or non-probation status
- Years of service in that building and/or position
Responsibility Is Upon District Supervisors and Hiring Managers
Supervisors and hiring managers are responsible for adherence to this policy. It is district administration’s burden to ensure this policy is adhered to and not violated. Therefore, all supervisors and hiring managers are expected to take reasonable precautions to avoid violation of this policy, including but not limited to using pre-screening tools, asking interview questions, and investigating allegations. Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action being taken against the offending supervisor or hiring manager.
GBEA, Staff Conduct/Conflicts of Interest
GBCB, Staff Conduct (And Responsibilities)
GBAA, Sexual Harassment of Personnel
End of File: GBEA-R