- G
- Personnel
File: GBB (pdf)
Adopted: Date of Manual Adoption (1978)
Revised: February 28, 2017
Employee Participation
The Board seeks to encourage employee participation in decision making for the School District, and to provide channels for the ready communication of ideas and feedback about the operation of the schools. In the planning of regulations and arrangements for the operation of the schools, the Superintendent shall involve, whenever feasible, those employees who will be affected by such provisions. The Superintendent shall weigh with care the counsel given by employees, especially that given by groups representing large segments of the staff, and shall inform the Board of such counsel in presenting recommendations of the Board.
Staff Advisory Committees
So that staff advice may be readily available to the Superintendent and the Board, advisory bodies like the Teachers Advisory Council shall work with the administration in areas of staff concern. Furthermore, the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, directors, and principals may at their own discretion form special committees to consider issues that are not being addressed by existing groups.
Teachers' agreement, Sections C and I and Letter of Understanding: Shared Decision Making (1995)
Paraprofessionals' agreement, Sections C and D
Office personnel agreement, Section F