- G
- Personnel
File: GBGB (pdf)
Adopted: June 27, 1991
Revised: February 28, 2017
Offenses against school employees
The following procedures shall be followed in instances of assault, disorderly conduct, harassment, knowingly false allegation of child abuse, or any alleged offense under the "Colorado Criminal Code" by a student directed towards a teacher or school employee.
These same procedures shall be followed in instances of damage by a student to the personal property of a teacher or school employee occurring on school district premises.
- The teacher or employee shall file a written complaint with the building principal, the superintendent's office and the Board of Education.
- The principal shall, after receipt of the complaint and proof deemed adequate by the principal, suspend the student for three days in accordance with established procedures.
- The superintendent shall initiate procedures for the further suspension or expulsion of the student when injury or property damage has occurred.
- The superintendent or designee shall report the incident to the district attorney or the appropriate local law enforcement agency or officer who shall be requested, upon receiving the report, to investigate the incident to determine the appropriateness of filing criminal charges or initiating delinquency proceedings.
Communication of disciplinary information to teachers/counselors
The principal or designee shall communicate discipline information concerning any student enrolled in the district to all teachers and counselors who have direct contact with that student. Any teacher or counselor who is assigned a student with known serious behavior problems will be informed of the student's behavior record. Any school employee who is provided this information shall maintain its confidentiality.
C.R.S. 22-32-109.1 (3) (policy regarding offenses against school
employees required as part of safe schools plan)
C.R.S. 22-32-109.1 (9) (immunity provisions in safe schools law)
C.R.S. 22-32-126 (5)(a) (communication of disciplinary information)
End of File: GBGB