Boulder Valley School District


  • G
  • Personnel

File: GBEE E-2 (pdf)
Adopted: August 14, 2018


Please read carefully before signing.

Boulder Valley School District (District) offers the assignment and use of administrative credentials to District technology resources by staff on a case by case basis, contingent upon the assigned rights being verifiable as a requirement of the requesting staff member to perform their assigned job duties. Staff must agree to and comply with terms and conditions outlined in this document for assignment of administrative credentials, and supervisory approval is required.

All terms and conditions list in this document are in addition to accompanying Board policy documents GBEE / GBEE-R.

The following are conditional terms for use of administrative rights:

Staff shall only be assigned administrative credentials when required to perform assigned tasks that require more rights than a standard account.

Staff shall not use the administrative credentials to log in or attempt to log in to a system, computer, or other device; administrative credentials shall only be used to execute the required task (e.g ‘run as’ function).

Staff shall not use the administrative credentials to create additional accounts with administrative credentials, local or otherwise.

Staff shall take extreme care performing activities while administrative credentials are in use to prevent intentional or unintentional malicious, abusive or disruptive behavior, or installation of malicious software.

Staff shall not store personally identifiable information defined and protected by confidentiality laws, including but not limited to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Student Data Transparency and Security Act, or otherwise deemed sensitive in nature by the District on computers or other devices where administrative credentials by the staff member are utilized.

Staff shall not use the administrative credentials to perform administrative actions for other users resulting in the circumvention the administrative credentials approval and assignment process.
Staff shall not use the administrative credentials to perform software installation which is, in violation of license agreements, has been explicitly denied by the Boulder Valley School District, or in any other way a violation of established District policy or process, or state or federal laws.

Staff administrative credentials shall not be used to disable or alter any software or configuration put in place by the District to, monitor, maintain, or provide any type of support services.

Staff administrative credentials shall not be used to circumvent, attempt to circumvent, or disable any information security mechanisms or measures implemented by the District.

Staff shall not utilize or attempt to utilize assigned administrative credentials to obtain access to data outside of the scope of their assigned job duties, including data of other staff or students, except in cases where proper procedure has been followed and permission granted.

Support and monitoring:

Digital devices where staff have applied administrative rights issued through the administrative process requiring more than 15 minutes of troubleshooting by a District customer service technician may be reimaged with standard District software and credentials.

Periodic monitoring may be conducted by management to ensure compliance.

Auditing shall be conducted to track additions/modifications/removals made by administrative accounts.

Staff member use is a privilege

Use of the administrative credentials by staff, requires personal ownership of responsibility and an understanding of an agreement to the acceptable and unacceptable uses of such privileges as defined in this document or where mandated by law or regulatory standards. Assignment of administrative credentials by staff is non-compulsory. Availability to and use of administrative credentials by staff is contingent upon acceptance of and compliance with this document and the accompanying staff acceptable use policies (GBEE/GBEE-R). Failure to follow the use procedures and requirements contained in this document may result in the loss of the privilege to use administrative credentials and restitution for costs associated with damages, and may result
in disciplinary action up to and including termination, legal actions and/or referral to law enforcement. The District may deny, revoke or suspend access to use of administrative credentials by staff at any time, and without prior notice.


1. I have read and understand the above terms and conditions, Boulder Valley School District’s “STAFF USE OF DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY, THE INTERNET, AND ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS” Policy GBEE and its supporting regulation GBEE-R which can be referenced through the BVSD website at:

and agree to abide by all terms and conditions. I further understand that violation of these terms and conditions may result in the loss of the privilege to use these administrative credentials, disciplinary action up to and including termination, legal action and/or referral to law enforcement, and/or restitution by the user for costs associated with any damages caused by such violations.


_______________________________                                _______________
Staff Requestor                                                                      Date


_______________________________                                _______________
Staff Staff Supervisor Approval                                              Date