Boulder Valley School District


  • G
  • Personnel

File: GBEE-R (pdf)
Adopted: November 29, 2001
Revised:  August 14, 2018


All employees of the district must sign and abide by the district Acceptable Use Agreement indicating their knowledge of and agreement to terms and conditions of use of district technology resources Each staff member is responsible for her/his use of technology, whether personal or district-provided. While using district and personal technology resources on or near school property, in school vehicles and at school-sponsored activities, as well as using district technology resources off-campus or through the use of VPN access, each staff member must act in an appropriate manner consistent with school and district policies, and conform to any compulsory state or federal law or other legal requirements. Failure to follow the acceptable use policies will result in the loss of the privilege to use district technology resources and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination, and/or referral to law enforcement.

Employees leaving the district must surrender all district issued technology resources and district data. Upon end of employment or termination staff must discontinue use of all district technology resources.


All Boulder Valley School District accounts will be permanently deleted after 180 days of inactivity

Password Requirements:

Staff are required to create strong passwords for accessing District technology resources.  Requirements for strong passwords include:

  1.  At least 8 characters in length; and 
  2. They must satisfy 3 of the 4 following requirements:

     a. At least one uppercase character 
     b. At least one lowercase character 
     c. At least one number 
     d. At least one special character (a special character is anything other than a letter or number)

Staff with access to District technology resources are required to change their password every 90 days.

Email Retention:

Email and other electronic communication older than 3 years and not identified by staff as a business record subject to retention regulations will be proactively deleted from Boulder Valley School District accounts.

Deleted emails may be purged immediately


As used in this regulation, the terms “staff”, “staff member”, and “district staff” include any person employed by the District, student teachers, interns, volunteers, contractors, or any other third party under contract to perform work or services or process data for the District

End of File: GBEE-R