Boulder Valley School District


  • G
  • Personnel

File: GDBD (pdf)
Adopted: August 13, 1987


The Board provides a plan for leaves and absences designed to help members of the classified staff maintain their physical health, take care of family and other personal emergencies, improve professionally, and discharge important and necessary civic and military obligations. 

Such leaves and absences shall be granted in accordance with the law, applicable District policies, and with the terms of Board/staff negotiated agreements as shall be in force from time to time. 

In general, the Board shall grant two basic types of leaves: 

Short‐term leaves, including sick leave, personal leave, injury leave, leave for the fulfillment of civic duties (such as jury duty), short‐term military leave, and short‐term administrative leave for approved professional meetings or activities. 

Long‐term leaves, including leave of absence for improvement of health; leave of absence for governmental service; extended leaves for personal reasons; military leave for active service; leaves of absence for research and training. 

Short‐term leaves may be granted by the Superintendent or designee. Long‐term leaves of absence shall require Board approval. 

The specific terms and procedures for each type of leave shall be in accordance with those set forth in the current agreements between the Board and recognized employee units.
End of File: GDBD