Boulder Valley School District


  • G
  • Personnel

File: GDA-R (pdf)
Adopted: Date of manual adoption


Support staff personnel (sometimes referred to as "classified" or "noncertificated" personnel) are those employees who are not required by the State of Colorado to have a certificate and whose work is not primarily instructional. This classification applies to nonadministrative personnel in the areas of maintenance, operations, transportation, and food services, as well as secretarial, clerical, and paraprofessional personnel. 

A regular employee is an employee who is appointed to a continuing, scheduled monthly or hourly position. 

A temporary employee is an employee who is hired for short‐term or intermittent assignments, or for a position where it is impractical to employ on a regular salaried basis. 
January 1 shall be the anniversary date for all support staff personnel. For calculating vacations, sick leave, or PERA retirement, the employee's own date of employment shall be used. 

In classifying positions, consideration is given to many factors, including the experience and training necessary for the job, the number and difficulty of decisions required, the degree of responsibility to be assumed, supervision to be received and given, the highest skill exercised, and the salary to be paid for similar positions in other organizations. 

In order to establish and classify newly created positions, the appropriate director, the Director of Personnel, and the Assistant Superintendent will review the position in light of the classification factors listed above and shall arrive at a recommended classification. 
To be reclassified, an established position shall be reviewed by the Director of Personnel, the Assistant Superintendent, and the appropriate director upon the request of the principal or supervisor. Applications for reclassification will be received two times per year, November 15 and May 15, and must be accompanied by a current job description and a statement as to why reclassification may be appropriate. 

Newly employed persons shall be placed on the first step of the classification to which the position has been assigned, unless advanced placement has been approved. Classification automatically determines the salary range. 

Current practice codified 1978 

C.R.S. 22‐32‐109(1)(f) 
C.R.S. 22‐32‐110(1)(ee) 

NOTE: Job descriptions for classified staff positions are filed in a job description manual, available in the personnel office.

End of File: GDA-R