Boulder Valley School District


  • H
  • Negotiations

File: HA (pdf)
Adopted: October 27, 1977

(Principles Guiding Negotiating Procedures)


All policies, plans, and regulations as well as the work of every employee of the School District, are directed toward the main goal of the system — the education of the individual child.

The purpose of the Board of Education is to provide education of the highest character for the residents of the District in which the Board operates, taking into account the needs and desires of the people of the District and their ability and willingness to support such a program of education.

The Board's legal authority issues directly from the state constitution as it is expressed through the state legislature and through the votes of the qualified electors within the boundaries of the School District.

The Superintendent of Schools acts as the chief executive officer and he is responsible to the Board for the total operation of the School District. He has the responsibility of carrying out all policies established by the Board.

All School District personnel have the ultimate responsibility of providing the best possible education to the individual in the classroom.

Principles to be Followed in Professional Negotiating Procedures

  1. Attainment of the objectives of the educational program conducted in the schools of the District requires mutual understanding, cooperation, and good faith among the Board of Education, the Superintendent of Schools and his administrative staff, the professional personnel, the service personnel, and other citizens of the community. To this end, free and open exchange of views is desirable, proper, and necessary.
  2. It is recognized that the success of the educational program conducted in the public schools of the District depends upon the willing services of well‐qualified personnel who are reasonably well satisfied with the conditions under which their services are rendered. It is further recognized that personnel have the right to join, or to refrain from joining, any organization for their professional or economic improvement, and for the advancement of public education, but that membership in any organization shall not be required as a condition of employment in the schools of the District.
  3. While members of the administrative staff, including but not limited to the Assistant Superintendents, executive directors, directors, managers, foremen, principals, and assistant principals, may organize or join in professional associations, such employees are not eligible for inclusion in a negotiating unit recognized by the Board of Education pursuant to this policy. Matters pertaining to salaries, terms and conditions of employment, and processing of alleged grievances will be determined by the Board of Education as policy after an opportunity for consultation with the administrative staff.

Teachers' agreement, Sections A, B
Paraprofessionals' agreement, Section A
Office personnel agreement, Section A
Service personnel agreement, Preamble, Articles I, II

HG, Method of Determining Staff Negotiating Organizations

End of File: HA