Boulder Valley School District


  • H
  • Negotiations

File: HL/HM (pdf)
Adopted: March 24, 1969


Tentative agreements reached as a result of negotiations shall be reduced to writing and presented to the organization for ratification. The organization shall have 30 days (exclusive of June 5 to September 5) from the date that the tentative agreement has been presented in which to file a written reply. Absence of a written reply within this allowed time shall constitute ratification.

Following such ratification, the agreements shall be presented to the Board for its tentative ratification. Final ratification by the Board shall be withheld pending public hearings on the proposed budget for the ensuing calendar fiscal year, the adoption of a budget by the Board, and certification by the County Commissioners.

The Board of Education shall submit to the appropriate appropriating or tax levying body a request for a tax levy to raise such funds as shall be sufficient to fund the proposed operating budget and shall make every effort to secure its approval. It is expressly understood, however, that submission of the budget to referendum is the sole prerogative of the Board. If less than the requested amount is appropriated or will be produced by the certified tax levy, the representatives of the Board and the organization shall renegotiate within the framework of the amount of funds so appropriated or to be produced by the certified tax levy. Following the adoption of such budget and after the negotiated agreements are adopted by the Board, said agreements shall be entered as an addendum to the policies of the District.

In the adoption of this policy, the Board hereby declares that nothing contained herein is intended to be constructed as to delegate or limit the powers, duties, discretions, and responsibilities of a board of education as prescribed by the constitution and laws of the State of Colorado. If any provision of this policy — or any application of this policy — shall be found contrary to law, such provision or application shall have effect only to the extent permitted by law.

Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny or restrict to any employee rights he may have under the laws and constitutions of the State of Colorado and the United States.

AGREEMENT REFS.: Teachers' agreement, Section B
Office personnel agreement, Section B
Service personnel agreement, Article
IV Paraprofessionals' agreement,
Section B

End of File: HL/HM