Boulder Valley School District



File: IGE (pdf)
Adopted:  date of manual adoption


Adult Education

To the extent the Board of Education deems feasible, the District should provide courses to meet the needs of post-school-age residents of the District.

The Community School Program of the Boulder Valley School District is the agency which provides adult education classes in a great variety of subjects through the Lifelong Learning Program.

This program is self-supporting and tuition-based.

Adult Education/General Educational Development Tests (GED)

The Boulder Valley School District administers the General Educational Development test battery multiple times throughout each year under state and national guidelines.  The GED Tests give eligible individuals an opportunity to earn a Colorado High School Equivalency Diploma, a credential accepted for employment and college entrance.

Those interested in taking the tests should contact the GED Testing Office of the District for current information on testing eligibility, requirements, and costs.

Adult Education/GED Preparation Classes

The Boulder Valley School District offers GED preparation classes during the academic calendar year.  The classes are tuition-based with individualized instruction available in English and Spanish.

Current practice codified 1978

End of File: IGE