File: IF-R (pdf)
Issued: March 21, 1985
Revised and Adopted: November 18, 1993, June 28, 2005, January 27, 2015
The official district process for accomplishing curriculum development or revision requires the involvement of professional staff members who use the curriculum or are responsible for it, and the input of concerned parents, patrons, and students at appropriate points. This helps to ensure understanding of the objectives and expected outcomes, consideration of input from many sources, articulation among the various levels of instruction, and correlation among the different subject areas.
Regular review and revision of curricula will be conducted by representatives of appropriate professional staff with the concurrent input of their professional colleagues under the leadership and support of the Division of Instructional Services and Equity. Those involved in the curriculum review and revision process will consider:
- The current research regarding best practice in the content area;
- The various models of scope and sequence currently in use;
- The framework for standards-based instruction;
- Various internal and external statements of learner expectations including district, state, and national content standards, and state and other relevant assessment frameworks, and any other district expectations as appropriate; and,
- Recent district student achievement data.
The format of curriculum documents will identify the essential learning results expected of students in such a manner that both new and veteran staff will have a clear understanding of the skills and knowledge that all students in a given course or at a given grade level should learn. A sample syllabus and/or outline as to how the course might be delivered is part of the proposal of new curricula. In addition to responsibility for providing instruction focused on the approved curriculum, professional staff is encouraged to enhance the learning experiences of students by including relevant current events and relevant teacher and student experiences.
New Courses Proposals (Immediate Implementation through Board Approval)
THE INITIAL PROCESS FOR New course proposals or proposals for a new curriculum REQUIRES COMPLETION AND SUBMISSION through the forms, IF-E1, Proposal for New Courses available on the district website. These forms MUST be submitted to the Division of Instructional Services and Equity according to the schedule below. All proposals for new courses or curriculum strands will need endorsement of the appropriate department(s) and approval of the principal prior to submission, then following the review and approval by content councils and then, finally, a review and approval by the Curriculum Coordinating Council.
All new course proposals and proposals for new curriculum strands will be submitted to the Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services and Equity for review by the appropriate curriculum council or other appropriate groups prior to being submitted to the Curriculum Coordinating Council for approval. The Curriculum Coordinating Council is composed of teachers, community representatives, and district administrators.
For inclusion in a course description booklet, the following timeline should be followed.
Submission date: ON OR ABOUT 9/14
Curriculum COORDINATING COUNCIL Meets: on or prior to 11/1
Board Approval: BETWEEN 12/1 – 12/30
The process to be followed in proposing a new course requires providing the following information (SEE FORM IF-E1):
- Description of the course: Provide the course description that would be used in the course description booklet
- Identification of need: The initiator(s) of the new course will identify specific needs for a change and indicate how the new course will satisfy those needs, including how the proposed course will enhance existing district curricula and support achievement of district priorities and/or initiatives.
- Proposed goals and objectives: The initiator(s) of the new course will enumerate the goals and objectives, including identification of relevant district content standards and how the course aligns with these (if applicable).
- Learner Outcomes: The initiator(s) of the new course will outline the essential learning results for the course
- Resource and Training Needs: The initiator(s) of the new course will indicate resource needs, including learning materials, training needs, and sources for satisfying those needs.
- Identify funding source: The initiator(s) must consider school and/or district implementation.
- Evaluative Criteria: The initiator(s) of the new course will recount any evaluation results and the criteria upon which the evaluation was based (if former trial statute course.
- Prior Review and Approval of Other Appropriate Groups: The initiator(s) of the new course will provide evidence of support from the appropriate department(s) and approval of the principal at the building level.
Because frequent changes in career and technical education courses (CTE) are mandated by Colorado Community Colleges System and compliance is necessary for Colorado Vocational Act reimbursement eligibility, the Assistant Superintendent of the Division of Instructional Services and Equity is authorized to approve routine changes including:
- A course or program name change based on state mandated regulations or changes
- Separation of a single course code into multiple course codes or vice versa
- Minor modification of curriculum to reflect current industry practices, standards, or state mandated changes
- Course number changes to align with state common course numbering or articulation with community colleges.
Where a new course or program is proposed, credit course change, or major curriculum changes are in order, such proposal would follow the full Curriculum Coordinating Council process for review and approval.
End of File: IF-R