File: IO (pdf)
Adopted: October 14, 1976
Associated Regulation: IO-R
The Board recognizes that systematic study of the educational process and related variables can contribute significantly to the development and implementation of high-quality instructional programs. The Board therefore encourages the conduct of well designed educational research projects within the District.
While recognizing the value of educational research, the Board also has a responsibility to protect students, parents, and staff from harassment; invasion of privacy; and physical, psychological, social, and educational injury. Consequently, the Board requires that all research proposals be carefully screened by the Director of Evaluation and Guidance or a designee and appropriate directors, to ensure that the proposed research has potential value for the District and is consistent with District philosophies, legal obligations, and standards of good scholarship.
The Director of Evaluation and Guidance and the appropriate division director(s) must provide written approval before a research project may be conducted in the District. The Director of Evaluation and Guidance will be responsible for monitoring any approved research. This policy applies to those research projects not sponsored by the District.
Educational research activities in the District should conform to the guidelines described in "Procedures for Educational Research in the Boulder Valley School District."
GCQB, Professional Research and Publishing
End of File: IO