File: IKE‐R E2 (pdf)
Issued: August 24, 1995
Revised: April 23, 1998, October 5, 2005
This survey is designed to ensure that factors in addition to academic achievement are considered in the decision for nonpromotion or acceleration of students.
Student Name Date of Birth Current Grade __________
Completed by (circle one) Parent, Teacher Date __________________
- This student is what I consider to be a (circle one) high, average, low, sporadic achiever.
- This student completes most assignments with a (circle one) high, average, low degree of quality.
- This student works (circle one) more, average, less independently of teachers and parents than most of the other students at her/his grade level.
- This student misses school (circle one) often, occasionally, seldom.
- This student is (circle one) small, average, large when compared to others her/his age.
- This student’s fine motor skills are (circle one) advanced, average, behind when compared to others of her/his age.
- This child’s gross motor skills are (circle one) advanced, average, behind when compared to other of her/his age.
- This student is engaged (circle one) frequently, occasionally, seldom in group extracurricular activities outside of school.
- This student is engaged (circle one) frequently, occasionally, seldom in individual extracurricular activities outside of school.
- This student is among the (circle one) youngest, average, oldest in her/his current grade.
- This student (circle one) usually, sometimes, seldom shows an enthusiastic interest in learning.
- This student usually deals with peer conflict (circle one) better, average, poorly when compared to others of the same sex and age.
- This student usually deals with changes (circle one) better, average, poorly when compared to others of the same age.
- This student has (circle one) no, some, frequent difficulty following school rules.
- This student has good interpersonal relationships with (circle one) most, some, few teachers.
- This students has a/an (circle one) overstated, realistic, low attitude about her/his personal and academic abilities.
- This student (circle one) does not want, is unsure, wants to be retained, accelerated.
- This student makes new friends (circle one) easily, cautiously, with difficulty.
- This student will join a (circle one) good, mixed, poor match of peer students if retained, accelerated.
- This student, if being considered for nonpromotion, has been given (circle one) no, some indication that limited English proficiencies and/or learning disabilities are affecting academic, social or emotional performance.
End of File: IKE‐R E2