File IF-E1 (pdf)
Revised: June 28, 2005
Contact Person______________________________ School _______________________
Department ________________________________ Date _________________________
Name of Proposed Course: ______________________________________________________
Grade Level(s): _______ Number of Credits ___________ Weighted ____ yes ____ no
Prerequisites (if any) ___________________________________________________________
Proposed Implementation Date __________________________________________________
Type of Proposal (Check One)
______ New Course – District-wide Implementation
______ New Course – Trial Status Implementation
______ Title Change Only (Respond to 1 and 2 only)
______ Credit Change (Provide reason in 2 below)
______ Other (please explain)
Course Proposal:
- Briefly describe the new course in the format used in course description booklets.
- Explain why the new course is needed in terms of the student needs it will meet and how it will meet them.
- How will the proposed course address the needs of diverse learners, consistent with the district’s goal of reducing differences in patterns of achievement among various student groups?
- Explain how this course enhances and articulates with the District curricula already in place and supports achievement of district priorities and/or initiatives.
- List the essential learning results for the course and show how they align with the BVSD Academic Content Standards for this discipline, if applicable. Please put them in a format similar to that of other courses in this same content area at this level.
- What resources are needed and where will they come from:
a. What kinds of professional development will be needed and who will provide?
b. What learning materials will be needed for the course and how will they be obtained? - What other input, if any, have you had regarding this course?
- If Trial Status proposal, how will this course be evaluated? (Required for Trial Status – Submit Form IF-E3, Evaluation for New Course Proposal: Trial Status
Contact Person______________________________________ Date _____________________
Department Chair(s) _________________________________ Date _____________________
_________________________________ Date _____________________
Principal ___________________________________________ Date _____________________
Curriculum Advisory Board Meeting Date: _______________________________________
Asst. Supt. of Learning Services _______________________ Date _____________________
(after Curriculum Advisory Board review)
Board of Education Approval Date: ______________________________________________
Superintendent of Schools _____________________________ Date _____________________
End of File: IF-E1