Boulder Valley School District



File: IKF-E1
Adopted: June 5, 2013

Click to fill out our 

Petition for Early Graduation


To be completed by student:

Name:                                                                                       Date:      

School:                                                                                      Student ID#:                                           Grade:     

Please list your detailed plans for completing graduation requirements including required courses (with credits) to be completed:


Please list reasons for your request to graduate early, including a description of how you plan to use the time gained by graduating early:


Student Signature:                                                                   Date:    

Parent Signature:                                                                     Date:      

Note: Please remember to complete the checkout procedure prior to your last day of attendance.

To be completed by counselor. Only submit to the principal/superintendent if performance measures have been met.

Total Credits earned to date:                                           Credits in progress:    

Will all graduation credit requirements be met?   



Have any requirements been waived?

Yes, which?  


How have performance measures been met?



Please attach to this form:   

❑ Credit Tracker   

❑ Next Semester Schedule   

❑ Transcript

Official Graduation Date (as it appears on transcript):

Diploma will have date of Commencement Ceremony:


Counselor Comments:


I approve for graduation to occur after 6 or 7 semesters.

Principal Signature:                                                                                     Date:      

(Superintendent’s signature is only required for students graduating after 6 semesters)

Superintendent (or designee) Signature:                                                     Date:
Copies of this completed form should be sent to (1) the District Registrar and (2) kept in the student’s cumulative file.


End of File: IKF-E1