Boulder Valley School District


  • J
  • Students

File:  JLCD-R (pdf)
Adopted:    December 8, 1988
Revised: April 14, 1994, October 9, 1997, September 26, 2000, December 13, 2000, May 31, 2001, January 8, 2019


If under exceptional circumstances a student is required to take medication during school hours, only the school nurse or the nurse’s designee may administer the medication to the student in compliance with the following regulation. In the alternative, the parent/guardian may come to school to administer the medication.

  1. All directives of the accompanying policy shall be followed.
  2. A Medication Administration Authorization Form completed by both the student's health care practitioner with prescriptive authority under Colorado law and the parent/guardian shall be on file in the school stating:

    a. Student’s name
    b. Name of medication
    c. Route of administration
    d. Dosage
    e. Purpose of the medication
    f. Time of day medication is to be given
    g. Possible side effects
  3. Exceptions to the use of this form may be granted if the provider uses a standard Colorado Care Plan and Medication Order form for Asthma and/or Allergy/Anaphylaxis.
  4. The medication shall be brought to school in a container appropriately labeled by the pharmacy or health care practitioner.
  5. Non-prescription medications must be in the original container and labeled with the student’s name.
  6. An individual record shall be kept of all medications administered by school personnel.
  7. Medication shall be stored in a clean, locked cabinet or container. Emergency medications (such as epinephrine, and inhalers) shall be inaccessible to students, but immediately available to trained school personnel and not in a locked cabinet.

Unless these requirements are met, medication will not be administered to students at school.

Self-administration of medication for asthma, allergies, anaphylaxis or other life-threatening conditions.

A school shall permit a student to possess and self-administer medication, such as an inhaler or epinephrine, if all of the following conditions are met:

  1. Written authorization signed by the student’s health care practitioner must be on file with the school, which shall include the student’s name; the name, purpose, prescribed dosage, route, frequency, and length of time between doses of the medication(s) to be self-administered; and confirmation that the student has been instructed and is capable of self-administration of the medication.
  2. The school nurse, in consultation the student’s health care practitioner, and the student’s parent/guardian collaborate to make an assessment of the student’s knowledge of his or her condition and ability to self-administer medication.
  3. A written statement signed by the student’s parent/guardian must be on file with the school, which shall include permission for the student to self-administer his/her medication and a release from liability for any injury arising from the student’s self- administration of such medication.
  4. A written contract between the school nurse, the student, and the student’s parent/guardian must be on file with the school, assigning levels of responsibility to the student’s parent/guardian, student, and school employees. A treatment plan authorizing a student to possess and self-administer medication for asthma, anaphylaxis or other life-threatening condition shall be effective only for the school year in which it is approved.

A student shall report to the school nurse or designee or to some adult at the school immediately after the student uses an epinephrine auto-injector during school hours. Upon receiving such report from a student, the school nurse, designee, or other adult will provide appropriate follow-up care to the student, which shall include making a 911 emergency call.

End of File: JLCD-R