- J
- Students
File: JLCE-R (pdf)
Adopted: January 8, 2019
First Aid and Emergency Medical Care
General directives for illness
- A student who becomes ill while at school will be seen by school health staff and/or the school nurse if possible.
- If a student must be sent home because of illness, the parent/guardian will be contacted and asked to pick up the child if possible.
- No elementary student who is ill will be sent home alone.
- A secondary student who becomes ill will be allowed to leave school unaccompanied by a parent/guardian only with the express approval of the parent/guardian. The school staff member who speaks with the parent will make written notes indicating the date and time of the conversation, the parent/guardian’s name and whether permission was given.
General directives for injuries/severe illness
- Minor injury
Minor injuries will be given first aid treatment by school health staff and/or volunteers who have completed first aid training and are authorized to assist in the health room.
- Serious injury or illness (but not threatening to life, limb or digit)
- If the student is in pain or requires medical treatment, the Emergency Response Team may be activated and the student’s parent/guardian will be notified to pick up the student from school.
a. No elementary student who is injured or becomes ill will be sent home alone.
b. An injured secondary student will be allowed to leave school unaccompanied by a parent/guardian only with the express approval of the parent/guardian.
c. The school staff member who speaks with the parent will make written notes, indicating the date and time of the conversation, the parent/guardian’s name and whether permission was given.
- If the parent/guardian cannot be reached, an emergency contact may be called. If no alternative contact can be reached, the Emergency Response Team, and when available, the school nurse shall determine the appropriate medical care for the student, including if transport to a medical facility is needed.
- The teacher or other staff member who was responsible for the student at the time of the accident will make out an accident report using the official school form.
- Severe injury or illness threatening to life, limb or digit
- If a student sustains a severe injury or illness requiring immediate medical attention, district personnel shall immediately call 911 to notify emergency health personnel and activate the Emergency Response Team.
- The school principal or designee shall then immediately attempt to contact the parent/guardian to inform him or her of the status of the student and to request that the parent/guardian proceed to the hospital immediately.
- The security office will be notified of the injury or illness as soon as 911 is called.
- The teacher or other staff member who was responsible for the student at the time of the accident will make out an accident report using the official school form.
Emergency Response Team
Each building must identify an emergency response team. Typically, there should be no less than four to six persons on each team. Each team member must be certified in first aid and CPR and must complete an emergency response team orientation. The orientation shall provide an overview of the team's responsibilities and examples of the appropriate team response to a variety of emergencies. All members on the team must hold a valid CPR card. The principal or a designated administrator must be on the team.
The school nurse shall be responsible for annual training and medication delegation to the emergency response team. Teams should have at least two opportunities for practice scenarios and should review/debrief after being activated with the school nurse.
End of File: JLCE-R