- J
- Students
Adopted: February 26, 2019
Revised: February 12, 2024
School Attendance Areas
Attendance areas for each school of the School District shall be drawn up by the administration and approved by the Board. The Board shall review such areas at least every five (5) years and more frequently if modifications are required.
A student's designated attendance area shall be based on the legal residence of the parents/guardians. Where a property straddles a boundary line separating two schools, the property shall be considered within the school boundary that contains the point where the property driveway accesses the public right-of-way.
In establishing school boundaries, consideration shall be given to the compactness of the areas, the densities of students in an area in relation to the relative capacities of the schools, the equalization of enrollments between schools, the maximization of pedestrian access to schools, and efficient use of transportation and facilities. Modification of attendance area boundaries may be made to address issues including new property construction, changes to student populations, the ability of schools to provide programs, and fiscal responsibility.
When it is determined that changes to boundaries are necessary, planning will include considerations for impacted schools and families.
Any changes to attendance area boundaries shall only be implemented following completion of the school year and prior to the opening of the subsequent school year.
C.R.S. 22-32-110(1)(m) (power to fix attendance areas)
EEA, Student Transportation Services
JECC, School Assignment and School Choice
End of File: JC