Boulder Valley School District


  • J
  • Students

File: JD/JR (pdf)
Adopted: June 9, 2020
Revised: August 22, 2023


The Board of Education expects that the schools of the District will help students develop individual knowledge, skills and competence and learn behavior patterns which will enable them to be responsible, contributing members of society. In accordance with applicable law, the Board adopts a written student conduct and discipline code, consisting of two sections: Student Rights & Responsibilities (all policies with JR codes) and Discipline (all policies with JD codes).

It is the Board’s intent that the School District’s Conduct and Discipline code establishes a culture of learning that supports and respects all students and staff, makes students and staff feel safe, and equitably applies rules of conduct. Implementation of the Conduct and Discipline Code shall include generation of data (including quantitative and qualitative measures) that permit analysis of the equitable implementation of the discipline code. The Board expects that BVSD schools will be fair and equitable in addressing student conduct and implementing student discipline, seeking to assure these systems do not operate in a discriminatory manner towards any student or group of students.

All members of the BVSD community have a role in creating a positive and safe school community, where relationships are marked by trust, and student conduct is addressed with a focus on prevention and intervention.

School Personnel. It is the responsibility of all School District personnel to build a productive learning environment by addressing student conduct consistent with these Policies and procedures. The Board of Education and the administration support all personnel acting within the framework of Board policy.

Due to the loss of instruction and increase in at-risk status of students who are referred out of class, suspended, or expelled, teachers are urged to de-escalate and address behavior in the classroom whenever possible. It is also the responsibility of a staff member who witnesses or receives a report of a student’s concerning, violent, or aggressive behavior to notify the building principal or designee as soon as possible.

With proper recognition and provision for student and teacher involvement, the school principals are charged with the responsibility of maintaining order and decorum in their schools. When conditions warrant, it is to be understood that the Superintendent, school principal, or other authorized school official shall enforce the School District’s standards of conduct necessary for order in the schools.

Parents/Guardians. Parents/Guardians are expected to support their students’ learning, cooperate with school authorities, and participate in conferences regarding the behavior of their children. Parents/Guardians may be held responsible for the willful misbehavior of their children, if such behavior results in damage to school property.

Students. While on school grounds, facilities, or at school-sponsored activities, students shall comply with School District policies and regulations pertaining to student conduct and discipline. Student misconduct that has a nexus to school, even if it takes place off campus, may result in discipline or other action. Students should immediately report questionable behavior or potentially violent situations to an administrator, counselor or teacher.

Implementation of the Conduct and Discipline Code shall include generation of data (including quantitative and qualitative measures) that permit analysis of the equitable implementation of the discipline code. The Board expects that BVSD schools will be fair and equitable in addressing student conduct and implementing student discipline, seeking to assure these systems do not operate in a discriminatory manner towards any student or group of students.

At least annually, the Board shall review conduct and discipline data, including on bullying, and consider whether the Student Conduct and Discipline Code should be revised. The Board shall consult with teachers, administrators, and the District Accountability Committee (DAC), and allow input by students, parents/guardians, and other community members in the development and review of the Student Conduct and Discipline Code.

The Conduct and Discipline Code shall be provided electronically to each student upon enrollment in elementary, middle and high school and in printed form upon request. The School District shall take reasonable measures to ensure each student is familiar with the Code. Copies shall be posted on the School District’s website. Any significant change in the Code shall be made known to students and community members through the website and other appropriate publications.

C.R.S. § 22-11-302 (1)(f) (district accountability committee shall provide input to the board regarding the creation and enforcement of the conduct and discipline code)
C.R.S. § 22-32-109.1 (2)(a) (school district shall take reasonable measures to ensure students are familiar with the conduct and discipline code)
C.R.S. § 22-32-109.1 (2)(a)(I)(A)(duty to adopt policies on student conduct, safety and welfare)

All JD and JR policies, Student Conduct and Discipline Code


End of File: JD/JR