Boulder Valley School District


  • J
  • Students

File:   JEC (pdf)
Adopted: May 27, 1982, June 25, 1992, November 18, 1993

Associated Regulations: JEC-R


All persons between the ages of 5 and the attaining of 21 years who have not graduated from high school and who reside (as "residence" is defined by Regulation JEC-R [JF-R]) within the boundaries of this School District may attend public schools without payment of tuition. Students will be enrolled at whatever time of the school year they become residents of the District. The School District shall also admit preschool children ages 3 and 4 years of age who qualify for special programs provided by the District.  

In addition, persons who do not reside in the District may be admitted under District policies relating to nonresident students, or by specific action of the Board.  

Registration and Opening of School

Each year, after the adoption of the official school calendar by the Board of Education, principals and teachers shall be notified of the registration schedule and opening dates for their schools. Well in advance of the beginning of each school year, public notice shall be given of the registration schedule and location, by grade level, for students previously attending the District, as well as students new to the District.  

Building principals, with the assistance of teachers and secretaries under their supervision, are in charge of the registration of students in their schools.  

Documentation for Admission

Proof of Age:  Parents, guardians, or legal custodians should provide a birth certificate or other proof of age for all children not previously enrolled in the Boulder Valley Schools.  

When these documents for admission are not available, parents, custodians, legal guardians, or students over 18 years of age and school administrators will work together with existing information to determine the student's age for school purposes.  

School Records: Students transferring from other schools should present records of attendance, grade placement, and academic achievement, as well as any other pertinent documents which have been given them by the school they last attended.  
When these school records are not available, parents, custodians, legal guardians, or students over 18 years of age and school administrators will work together with existing information to determine the student's grade placement and assignment of credit when appropriate.

In providing the information necessary for admission, students and their parents, guardians, or legal custodians shall not be required to reveal their immigration status as documented or undocumented.  


Under law, no child shall be admitted to any school in the State of Colorado for the first time unless the child can present certification from a licensed physician or authorized representative of the State Department of Health or local health department stating that the child has received immunizations against communicable diseases as specified by the Department of Health. The certificate must be presented to the appropriate school official at the time of admission. If the child's immunizations are incomplete, the child may be provisionally admitted under the circumstances set forth in Policy JHCB [JLCB], Immunization of Students. A student who is provisionally admitted under Policy JHCB [JLCB] must submit a signed certificate of completed immunizations within 60 days from the date of provisional enrollment or the student shall be excluded from school, in accordance with state law and Board policy.  

Exemptions to this requirement may be granted for health, religious, personal, or other reasons specified by law.

Physical Examinations

All students entering Boulder Valley Schools for the first time, including kindergarten students and first graders, are asked to have a physical examination and to submit a report from the examining physician.  The purposes are:

To identify any deviation from normal growth and development which would hinder the child in school.
To serve as a guide for adapting the school program to the child's needs.  

Denial of Admission

In addition to the requirements for admission set forth in this policy, the following may be grounds for denial of admission:  

  • Having been expelled from any school district during the preceding 12 months.  
  • Behavior in another school district during the preceding 12 months that is detrimental to the welfare or safety of other pupils or of school personnel.

The principal, after consultation with the Superintendent's designee, may recommend that a student be denied admission on the grounds stated above.  

The Board of Education has the authority to deny admission of a resident student or may delegate that authority to the Superintendent.  A resident student who is denied admission shall be entitled to a hearing regarding the denial of admission.  The procedures for such denial of admission shall be the same as those for expulsion set forth in Board Policy JGD/JGE, Student Suspension/Expulsion.

C.R.S. § 22-1-102, 102.5, and 115
C.R.S. § 22-32-115,116, and 118
C.R.S. § 22-33-103-106
C.R.S. § 25-4-901-908

JEC-R, School Admissions
JECB, Admission of Nonresident Students
JGD-JGE, Student Suspension/Expulsion
JHC-R2, Health Assessments of Students
JHCB, Immunization of Students

End of File: JEC