Boulder Valley School District


  • J
  • Students

File: JDDA-R (pdf)
Issued: August 23, 1990  
Revised: September 23, 1993, January 27, 1994, October 23, 1997, January 29, 2003, June 8, 2021



The following procedures will be followed by all staff members when investigating potential violations of policy JDDA, which includes: student use/abuse, possession, distribution, exchange or sale of alcohol, performance enhancing drugs, controlled substances and/or drug paraphernalia which is prohibited in all Boulder Valley District schools, on school grounds, at school- sanctioned activities, or when students are being transported in vehicles dispatched by the District.

  1. A staff member who has evidence that a student may be under the influence of, or in possession of, alcohol, performance enhancing drugs, controlled substances ,or drug paraphernalia will immediately notify an administrator and request the student accompany them to the principal or designee.
  2. The Principal or designee shall:

(1)  Conduct an informal meeting with the student explaining the allegation in a language the student can understand, and ensure the student is allowed to respond to the allegations.

(2)  Conduct a check of the student by directly requesting the student turnover any items that violate Board Policy or through search procedures as outlined in Board Policy JRS, Searches. Place any items that violate Board policy in an envelope or appropriate container, close, date and initial. Coordinate disposal or transfer of the items as directed by BVSD’s Director of Safety and Security or designee and in accordance with applicable law.

  1. If the principal or their designee find that the student violated policy JDDA, they shall:

(1)  Notify the parents or guardians as soon as possible.

(2)  Notify school health staff, counselor and/or mental health advocates.

(3)  Place the student in a quiet environment where the student will remain under observation and assure the student is not left alone while waiting for parents, counselors or further medical aid. When necessary, standard emergency procedures will be followed.

(4)  Offer parents and student information concerning intervention and treatment programs the family may wish to access.

  1. Address the violation, including through restorative practices, alternatives to suspension, and the consequences outlined below.
  2. Notify law enforcement if required by applicable law.



The Board directs that consequences be restorative, proportional, and progressive, to the fullest extent possible. Repeated violations of Policy or severe or aggravating circumstances warrant more significant intervention and disciplinary action.

For all violations of this Policy, a conference will be held with the student, parent/guardian, the school official, and other staff member(s) as needed including a counselor or mental health provider. The school will cooperatively develop with the parents and the student a plan outlining the responsibilities of each in preventing future occurrences and in supporting the student’s wellbeing. A student who is found to be under the influence may be suspended for the rest of the school day. For first violations of possession and use, these interventions may be adequate.

For additional possession or use violations, students may be suspended from school pursuant to Policy JDSE. Except as otherwise provided in Policy, a suspension for a second violation shall not exceed three days, and a suspension for a third violation shall not exceed five days. Any consequence may be shortened upon the provision of evidence that the student and parents/guardians successfully participated in an appropriate intervention or treatment program.

For violations for selling, giving, or exchanging substances addressed in this Policy and regulation, the student will be suspended from school for five days. Based on aggravating circumstances or repeated violations selling, giving, or exchanging, the School may recommend the Superintendent impose an additional ten-day suspension and conduct an expulsion review.

Following any disciplinary removal, the school shall follow a re-entry process and review the student’s support plan as required by these procedures.

Additional Considerations

  1. In any case involving a student’s violation of this Policy, the Superintendent may recommend disciplinary consequences more severe than what is outlined in this policy, including pursuant to Policy JDSE, Student Suspension/Expulsion, when appropriate based on aggravating factors and those with serious health and safety implications.
  2. The school administration will cooperate fully with local law enforcement agencies when investigations and searches are required by law.
  3. In all situations in which disciplinary action is contemplated for a student with a disability, the additional procedures established in federal and state law and set forth in Policy JDSE, Student Suspension/Expulsion (Students with Disabilities), must be followed.
  4. These regulations must be communicated to all students, parents, and community.