Boulder Valley School District


  • J
  • Students

File: JBC (pdf)
Adopted: date of manual adoption
Revised: November 13, 2018


Through active involvement of students in their education, and the fostering of spirit of inquiry with freedom to express their own views and to listen to and evaluate the opinions of others, Boulder Valley School District seeks to create a stimulating learning climate. A primary goal is to provide students with the opportunities to exercise their rights and, at the same time, to assume the attendant responsibilities of social responsibility.

It is recognized that such opportunities for participation are dependent upon provisions of state and federal laws along with consideration for the age, maturity, and to an extent, the standards of the community in which they reside. Further, it is recognized that such rights and privileges may not be considered absolute and that the exercise of the rights of one individual or group ceases when it infringes on the rights of another individual or group.

To establish and provide for significant student participation in District affairs, it is the intent of the Board that students be involved at appropriate times in matters pertaining to curriculum development, conduct of student government and student activities, establishment of guidelines pertaining to a personal appearance and behavior, and provision for students to be heard on individual or group problems and concerns they have identified.

IGDA, Student Organizations (Secondary Schools)
JF, Student Rights and Responsibilities, and subcodes relating to student rights

End of File: JBC