- J
- Students
File: JEGA (pdf)
Adopted: September 27, 2005
The Board recognizes and promotes the importance of obtaining a high school diploma, as a diploma assists students to lead healthy and productive lives after graduation. Those youth who withdraw from school and prepare to face life with less than a high school education will have a much more difficult time entering the workforce or pursuing other goals. Therefore, the Board strongly urges every teacher, guidance counselor, community liaison, principal, parent and citizen to exert all the influence which he/she can command to keep all district students in school through high school graduation.
Per Colorado statute, a "dropout" means a person who is the subject of notification to a school or school district that such person has left or will leave school for any reason, or such person has been absent from class for six consecutive weeks or more in any one school year, except for reasons of expulsion, excused long-term illness, or death, before completion of a high school diploma or its equivalent and who does not transfer to another public or private school or enroll in an approved home study program or in an on-line program. Students who are in attendance in an educational program at the end of such school year shall not be reported as dropouts by the school district to the department.
Principals, teachers, guidance counselors and community liaisons are encouraged to make dropout prevention a priority through personal contacts with students and specialized programs. The goal is to enable students who are considering dropping out or have dropped out of school to return and resume their programs with a minimum degree of disruption.
To emphasize the importance of a high school diploma and to encourage students to reconsider their decision to withdraw from school, the district will notify the student’s parent or parents, or legal guardian or custodian in writing, when the district has knowledge that a student has dropped out of high school. For purposes of this policy, “high school dropout” shall have the same meaning as defined by the rules of the State Board of Education.
C.R.S. § 22-2-114.1 (definition of “dropout”)
C.R.S. § 22-33-104 (compulsory school attendance)
C.R.S. § 22-33-107.1 (written notice of dropout status)
C.R.S. §§ 22-33-203 and 204 (services for expelled and at-risk students)
IKF, Graduation Requirements (Applicable for the Classes of 2017-2020)
IKF, Graduation Requirements (Applicable Beginning with the Class of 2021)
End of File: JEGA