Boulder Valley School District


  • J
  • Students

File:  JFABE (pdf)
Adopted:  January 22, 2019


It is the Board’s intent to promote educational stability for students in foster care in accordance with state and federal law. Terms used in this policy and its accompanying regulation, such as “foster care,” “school of origin,” “child’s best interest” and “child welfare agency” shall be as defined by applicable federal law.

The district shall coordinate with other districts and with local child welfare agencies and other agencies or programs providing services to students in foster care as needed.

At least one staff member shall be designated to serve as the child welfare education liaison and fulfill the duties set forth in state and federal law.

Duties of the child welfare liaison and procedures for enrollment and transportation for students in foster care shall be made in accordance with the accompanying regulation and applicable law.

20 U.S.C. 1232g (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)
20 U.S.C. 6311 (g)(1)(E) and 6312(c)(5) (provisions in Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) regarding obligations to students in foster care)
42 U.S.C. 671 (a)(10) and 675(1)(G) (child welfare agency requirements related to supporting normalcy for children in foster care and ensuring educational stability of children in foster care)
34 C.F.R. 200.30 (f)(1)(iii) (ESSA’s definition of “foster care”)
C.R.S. 22-32-138 (enrollment of students in out-of-home placements)
C.R.S. 22-33-103 through 22-33-110 (school attendance law)

JEC, Admission and Denial of Admission
JH, Student Absences and Excuses
JHCB, Immunization of Students
JN, Student Fees, Fines and Charges

End of File:  JFABE