- K
- School-Community Relations
File: KE-R (pdf)
Effective: November 7, 2019
The following procedures shall apply in handling complaints under Policy KE.
A. Initial Complaints and Building or Department Level Review
Complaints should be initiated by contacting the person who is the most direct subject of the complaint. If the complaint concerns a School District employee that employee is the initial level of review. If the complaint concerns a school, the principal is the appropriate contact.
Review at the initial level is informal and should follow a discussion format. The complaint itself may be oral or in writing and should be resolved within a reasonable period of time in light of the circumstances. If complaint is not resolved satisfactorily or in a timely fashion, the Complainant may bring the matter before the supervisor at the building or department level for further discussion.
B. District Level Review
If a complaint is not resolved satisfactorily at the building or department level, the Complainant may bring the matter before the District’s appropriate leadership team member.
Such appeal shall be in writing, directed to the Area Superintendent (or other individual designated by the Superintendent), and shall specify the nature of the complaint, the decision by the building or department, and the reasons for the appeal. An appeal must be submitted within a reasonable period of time, usually within two weeks after the building or department action to address the complaint.
Upon receipt of an appeal, the Area Superintendent shall notify the supervisor of the building or department and request a written statement of the decision within five (5) working days, unless additional time is needed. A copy of that statement shall be provided to the Complainant. Complainant shall be allowed ten (10) days to provide written information and documentation to the Area Superintendent. The administrator shall offer a meeting with the Complainant, at which time the Complainant may present information in support of Complainant’s position.
The administrator shall make findings and submit a written decision within ten (10) working days of the hearing, unless additional time is needed.
C. Superintendent
If a complaint is not resolved satisfactorily at the district level, the Complainant may appeal to the Superintendent. Such appeal shall be in writing and shall include a statement of the complaint, the decisions of the district level administrator and the supervisor, and a statement of the reasons for the appeal. This appeal must be submitted within ten (10) working days after receipt of the decision of the district level administrator.
The Superintendent shall review the prior decisions and records and, at their discretion, may permit the Complainant or the District to present further information. Within ten working days after completion of this process, unless additional time is needed, the Superintendent shall render a written decision and provide a copy to the Complainant. This decision shall be final unless the Board of Education accepts the matter for review.
D. Board of Education
The Complainant may appeal the decision of the Superintendent to the Board of Education. Such appeal shall be directed to the Secretary of the Board and the Superintendent within ten (10) working days after receipt of the Superintendent’s decision. The appeal shall be in writing and include at least all prior decisions, a statement of the complaint, reasons for the appeal, and the action desired. The Board shall not consider or act on complaints that have not been considered at the appropriate administrative level.
The Board shall have the discretion to accept or reject the matter for review. If it rejects the matter, the Superintendent's decision shall be final. If it accepts the matter, the Board shall schedule a meeting at which it will consider the appeal. At such meeting, the Board may hear argument from the parties, review the prior decisions and evidence, and make such inquiry as it deems necessary. The Board shall render a written decision within ten working days after this meeting unless additional time is needed. The Board's decision shall be final.
End of File: KE-R