- K
- School-Community Relations
File: KLMA (pdf)
Adopted: March 14, 2006
Revised: January 14, 2014
Relations with Military Recruiters, Postsecondary Institutions and
Prospective Employers in High Schools
This policy is established by the Board of Education to provide high-school students with a convenient way to obtain accurate information about potential careers, employers (including the military), and post-secondary educational opportunities, and to give students convenient access to recruiters representing organizations which provide these kinds of opportunities. This is best accomplished by allowing recruiters access to high-school facilities and students during the school day. Such access must be limited in order to maintain balance against the potential disruption to the greater educational mission of the school.
Employers are defined as recognized companies that offer structured employment or internship opportunities to high-school graduates.
General meetings or recruiting events will be limited to 2 per school year with principal approval and will take place in a location specified by the principal. In addition, recruiters will be allowed to conduct meetings during the school day with those students who have expressed an interest. All meetings and events referenced above will be limited to the counseling office, career center, or specific classrooms. Distribution and posting of written literature will be in accordance with Board policy KHC, Distribution/Posting of Noncurricular Materials.
Evening fairs or other recruiting events scheduled outside of school hours shall not count toward the two-day limit for a specific recruiting entity. Classroom teachers may schedule organizational recruiters as career awareness activities, and such activities also shall not count toward the two-day limit for a specific recruiting entity.
All military recruiters, postsecondary institutions and prospective employers shall be treated uniformly with regard to the conduct of on-campus student recruitment. A schedule of recruiters visiting the District’s high schools will be announced to the student body in advance by each school’s guidance office through publications and/or by posting on bulletin boards.
High-School Parents’ & Students’ Right to Refuse Disclosure of Personal Information to Military
Upon request and if required by applicable law, the District will release high-school students’ names, addresses, and telephone numbers to military recruiters. The District will release this information within 90 days after a request is made and may seek reimbursement for the costs of complying with the request.
The District will inform high-school students and their parents annually in the Students Guide to Rights and Responsibilities Handbook of their right to request that the District not release their student information to military recruiters. In addition, an Opt-Out form is available as an attached Exhibit (KLMA-E) to this policy and a copy of the form will be included in all registration materials at all high schools in the District.
Students or parents are allowed to opt-out of the release of information to military recruiters by filing a written statement with their high school. Any opt-out statement, whether from a parent or a student can be done at any time during the year and will be effective for the remainder of the student’s time in the District.
After a request to opt-out is made, the District will not release the student information to military recruiters unless the District has received subsequent written parent consent to rescind the opt-out and release the student information.
If the test known as the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is used, high-school staff will take reasonable steps to ensure that no student who has an opt out form on file will participate in the ASVAB testing.
10 U.S.C. 503 (military recruiter access to student records contained in National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2002)
20 U.S.C. 1232g (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)
20 U.S.C. 7908 (military recruiter access to student records contained in No Child Left Behind Act of 2001)
34 C.F.R. 99.1 et seq. (district shall comply with FERPA)
C.R.S. 24-72-204 (3)(a)(VI) (schools cannot disclose address and phone number without consent)
C.R.S. 24-72-204 (3)(d) (information to military recruiters)
JO/JO-R, Student Records/Release of Information on Students
KI, Visitors to Schools
KJA, Distribution/Posting of Noncurricular Materials
End of File: KLMA