- K
- School-Community Relations
File: KBE-R (pdf)
Adopted: March 17, 2004
Revised: January 15, 2014
Option 1: District Agency Fund status
- The parent organization chooses to use a revolving account in the District’s Agency Fund.
- The District’s tax identification number may be used. The parent organization must follow District purchasing policies and procedures and all expenses shall be authorized by the school principals.
- Donations and contributions to the parent organization shall be made in compliance with school Board policy KCD, Public Gifts to the Schools and School District.
- The District will provide all accounting functions for the parent organization.
Option 2: Colorado nonprofit corporation with tax-exempt status under IRC Section 504(c)(3)
- The parent organization chooses to become a Colorado nonprofit corporation and to apply for tax-exempt status with the IRS under IRC Section 501(c)(3).
- The parent organization shall have its own bank account. The parent organization shall apply for its own federal tax identification number and shall apply for sales tax exemption from the State of Colorado and the organization’s local jurisdiction.
- The District is not involved with the accounting or purchases of the organization.
- The parent organization shall work in conjunction with the school’s principal and/or District administrators.
- Donations and contributions to the parent organization shall be made in compliance with the School Board policy (KCD, Public Gifts to the Schools and School District.
- The parent organization is responsible for the preparation and submittal of the Annual Report to the Colorado Secretary of State.
- The parent organization is responsible for preparation and submittal of an annual IRS Form 990 Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax, regardless of the organization’s gross receipts.
Option 3: Affiliation with the Colorado and National Parent Teacher Association
- The parent organization chooses to become affiliated with the Colorado and National PTA organizations and completes all steps outlined in Option 2 above.
End of File: KBE-R