Boulder Valley School District


  • K
  • School-Community Relations

File: KHB (pdf)
Adopted: May 28, 1998


Policy Statement

The Board of Education will consider the approval of sponsorship and exclusive rights purchasing contracts if they result in identifiable, positive benefits to the District, its schools, and their respective students and are consistent with the District's mission, policies, and goals.

The primary responsibility of the Board of Education is to preserve the academic environment of the classroom. In accordance with that basic condition, sponsorship and exclusive rights purchasing contracts shall not include provisions that would allow marketing activities, including advertising, to take place in District classrooms (except high school gymnasiums and outdoor athletic venues), lunchrooms, or hallways. Except for courses of study that have lessons relating to advertising, students shall not be required to listen to, read, or be subjected to commercial advertising in the classroom or in school-provided materials in curriculum-related activities.


In a sponsorship agreement, a company pays a premium or provides some economic benefit to the District in exchange for recognition. In an exclusive rights contract, a company pays a premium or provides economic benefit in exchange for the right to be the sole provider, at the most competitive prices, of goods purchased by the District. Sales of goods and services to the District and contributions or donations made to the District that do not include additional, negotiated conditions are not covered by this policy and are governed by the purchasing and gifts and donations policies.


Each contract within the scope of this policy will be individually negotiated and subject to approval by the Board of Education. Revenue distribution, in excess of overhead costs, will be decided by the Board as part of the approval process.

Sponsorship programs and exclusive rights purchasing arrangements shall not:

1. Promote the use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, firearms, or other products, activities, or
conduct that create community concerns or that constitute violations of law or District

2. Advance any religious or political organization;

3. Override the identity of the District or any of its schools;

4. Promote, favor, or oppose the candidacy of any person for election or the adoption of
any bond issues or any ballot issue submitted at an election;

5. Use any District or school names, logos, or other symbols in corporate promotions;

6. Detract from educational and extracurricular goals of the District;

7. Exploit students and/or staff members of the District;

8. Engage with companies or individuals whose actions are inconsistent with the
District's mission and goals or community values; or

9. Limit the District's selection or use of learning resources or educational programs nor
authorize the implementation or use of corporate-sponsored curriculum without approval in accordance with District policies.

Review Committee

A public review committee, advisory to the Board of Education, will be established to align the implementation of this policy with community values. The committee will solicit public comment and provide recommendations to the Superintendent and the
Board concerning sponsorship or exclusive rights purchasing proposals that are considered under this policy. The committee will also review existing advertising, marketing, and corporate curriculum and report to the Superintendent and the Board.

The review committee shall be comprised of the following representatives:

1. One elementary school parent, one middle school parent, and one high school parent, appointed by the District Accountability Committee;

2. One elementary school principal, one middle school principal, and one high school principal, appointed by the Principals Advisory Council;

3. One elementary school student, one middle school student, and one high school student, appointed by the Deputy Superintendent following a student-nomination process;

4. One senior purchasing official, appointed by the Assistant Superintendent for Business Services;

5. Two administrative representatives appointed by the Superintendent;

6. Two members from the public at large appointed by the Board; and

7. One high school athletic director, appointed by the Executive Director of Secondary Education.

C.R.S. 22-32-109(1)(b)
C.R.S. 22-32-110(1)(c) and (y)

DJ, Purchasing and Contracting
GBI, Staff Gifts and Solicitations
IGDF, Student Fund-Raising Activities
KFA, Special Interest Materials
KH, Public Gifts to the Schools
KHA, Solicitation of Gifts and Donations

End of File: KHB