Boulder Valley School District

District Accountability Committee


“To engage in meaningful consultation in accountability and improvement planning.”

Purpose of District accountability committees
   CDE District Accountability Handbook, 2021

State and federal governments emphasize the inclusion of families in the educational accountability process. The District Accountability Committee (DAC) is a legally-constituted accountability and advisory committee at the school district level.


Advisory Topics

Colorado State Statute 22-11-302 requires DAC members to act in an advisory capacity, to the Board of Education, on a variety of topics including, but not limited to:

  • District Budget
  • Unified Improvement Plan
  • Charter School Applications
  • Family Engagement 
  • District Policy

The DAC meets monthly throughout the school year, typically on the first Tuesday of each month unless otherwise noted, and members have the opportunity to hear district updates and provide input on many topics. DAC members are responsible for ongoing communication with their School Accountability Committee (SAC).


Colorado State Statute 22-11-301 and BVSD Board of Education policy (AE-R) are responsible for establishing minimum membership requirements. The BVSD DAC membership is comprised of one representative from each BVSD School Accountability Committee (SAC) and members from the BVSD community that have an interest in public education.

If you are interested in serving as a DAC Representative, please complete the DAC Membership Application.  School principals or SAC chairs will be asked to confirm applications to serve as a school-based DAC representative; the DAC Executive Team will confirm applications for at-large and community representatives.  All members are approved by the BVSD Board of Education annually in September. 


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