Boulder Valley School District RE-2
District Accountability Committee (DAC) Bylaws
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The official name of the organization shall be the "Boulder Valley School District RE-2 Accountability Committee" and shall be referred to as the "District Accountability Committee” or “DAC”.
DAC shall fulfill the function of a School District Accountability Committee as defined by the Colorado statute and Colorado State Board of Education rules, as well as policies and guidelines jointly established by DAC with the BVSD Board of Education. With this aim, the DAC will advise the Board on the adequacy and efficiency of educational programs offered by the district. Areas identified in the legal guidelines for the BVSD District Accountability Committee include, but are not limited to: accountability guidelines, district planning, budget, educational programs, parent and family engagement, charter school applications, waivers, and areas included in all other board policies that are relevant to the work of the District Accountability Committee.
DAC is a legally constituted committee composed of members nominated by each of the School Accountability Committees (SACs), as well as members at large. All nominations will be submitted to the District Accountability Committee Executive Team and the Board of Education for approval each September. DAC will make a good faith effort to ensure there are at least three parents, one teacher, one school administrator, and one community member who is not employed by the school district, who resides within the district, and who does not have children in Boulder Valley Schools.
1. School representatives on DAC must be nominated by their SACs. A school may choose to replace its representative at any time by nominating another person to the District Accountability Committee Executive Team. Each school may only designate one DAC representative.
2. At-large members will be sought for the purpose of broadening community representation and to help ensure the DAC reflects the student populations significantly represented in BVSD. Per state statute and board policy, these student populations may include, but need not be limited to, students who are members of non-Caucasian races, those who are eligible for free or reduced-cost lunch, those who are Emerging Bilingual students, migrant children, students identified as having a disability and gifted children. DAC will have no more than fifteen percent (15%) at-large membership.
3. Applications for at-large members will be reviewed by the District Accountability Committee Executive Team, and sent to the Superintendent for recommendation to the Board of Education. The Executive Team will make efforts to check that no school is represented by more than two (2) DAC members - one school representative and one at-large member.
The District Liaison (superintendent's designee) shall serve as a non-voting member of DAC. They will inform DAC of district and state policies, activities, and decisions from the state legislature, Colorado State Board of Education and Colorado Department of Education; seek necessary financial and administrative support for DAC activities; facilitate communication between DAC and the administration, and organize, coordinate, and disseminate information and training among SACs, DAC, and the BVSD Board of Education.
The Board of Education will identify a Board Member as a liaison to DAC. This liaison will be a non-voting member of DAC. They will also inform DAC of district and state policies, activities, and decisions from the state legislature and Colorado Department of Education; seek Board support for DAC activities; and facilitate communication between DAC and the BVSD Board of Education.
Members are approved by the BVSD Board of Education. Applications shall be submitted by May 31. Terms will begin in August. School representatives serve a term of two school-calendar years. At-large members serve a term of one school-calendar year.
In the event a DAC member finds it necessary to resign, the Membership Officer will initiate a request that the local SAC nominate a representative.
Membership responsibilities:
- Attend all scheduled DAC meetings. If a member must miss a meeting, they should contact any officer, or the District Liaison, for an excused absence. Any member having three consecutive absences will be contacted by the Executive Team to see if that person wishes to remain on DAC.
- Participate on at least one subcommittee and/or serve as an elected DAC officer or a liaison to another organization. Each member shall notify the Chairperson of his/her preference for a subcommittee or liaison position.
- Liaisons will serve as a communication link between DAC and other organizations including but not limited to: the District Parent Council (DPC), Latino Parent Advisory Council (CAPL), Parent Engagement Network (PEN), Parents of Color Council (POCC), District Technology Advisory Committee (DTAC), Special Education Advisory Committee, etc.
- Members will maintain communication with their School Accountability Committee.
- Members must abide by the bylaws.
The DAC executive committee may revoke membership status if a member is no longer found to be in good standing or is found in violation of the bylaws.
Officers will consist of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Membership Officer and Secretary if elected. At the regularly scheduled meeting in May of each year, the DAC Executive Team will present a list of officer candidates; additional nominations may be accepted from the floor. Those nominated for office ideally should have one year remaining in their terms. If approved by the membership, an officer may serve two terms. Election will be by secret ballot or by a unanimous verbal vote of all members attending the meeting.
In the event of the resignation of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson will assume the office. After notification of the whole committee, at the next regular or special meeting of DAC, a Vice Chairperson will be nominated and elected. In the event of a resignation of the Vice Chairperson, Membership Officer or Secretary, DAC will, after notification of the whole committee, at the next regular or special meeting, elect a new officer to the vacant office for the duration of the term.
In case of the absence of the Chairperson, the order of succession to temporary Chairperson for the meeting shall be Vice Chairperson, Membership Officer and Secretary, if a member of the Executive Team.
Each officer shall perform the duties assigned to the office by the bylaws and the adopted parliamentary authority. The specific duties for each officer are as follows:
- The Chairperson shall:
- Preside over all meetings of DAC.
- Be the official representative of DAC.
- Have the authority to appoint members to subcommittees, as necessary.
- Preside over all meetings of the DAC Executive Team.
- Compile meeting agendas.
- Arrange for the publication or notice of all DAC meetings.
- The Vice Chairperson shall:
- Preside over meetings if the Chairperson is absen
- Coordinate, with the District Liaison, the process of collecting and reviewing all district reports (beginning of year, mid-year and end-of year) to ensure adequate progress monitoring.
- Coordinate the review of any charter school application with the District Liaison.\
- The Membership Officer shall:
- Ensure that each member is provided all necessary DAC-related resources, including but not be limited to, a copy of the bylaws, norms and such legislation and reports as currently govern the duties and activities of DAC.
- Train and mentor first year DAC members.
- Work with the School Accountability Committees and the DAC Executive Team, or their delegate, to make a good faith effort to ensure representation from all SACs (to DAC). This includes notifying appropriate SACs, in April, if their members’ terms will expire at the end of the the school calendar year.
- The Secretary shall:
- Either be an officer of DAC or be a non-voting appointee from the district staff.
- Review or record minutes of all General DAC meetings and DAC Executive Team meetings. Minutes of the meetings shall be distributed prior to the next DAC meeting.
- Record attendance for all DAC meetings.
Standing subcommittees of DAC shall include the Executive Team.
- The composition of the Executive Team shall be the officers of DAC, the District Liaison, Subcommittee Chairpersons (as needed) and any appointed liaisons (as needed).
- The Executive Team shall meet once per month. Additional meetings may be called as necessary.
- Executive Team responsibilities:
- Conduct DAC business between regularly scheduled DAC meetings as necessary.
- Initiate DAC policy.
- Provide guidance to DAC and the DAC Chairperson.
- Determine the annual calendar for DAC and the agenda for meetings.
- Resolve disputes regarding a member's status.
Additional subcommittees may be formed by the DAC membership as deemed necessary.
- The Chairperson shall appoint members to subcommittees as necessary.
- Subcommittee chairpersons will be selected by the subcommittee membership.
- The subcommittee chairperson will meet with the Executive Team to facilitate subcommittee work.
Regular meetings of DAC are held the first Tuesday of each month during the school year. The
Executive Team will develop a calendar of alternate or additional meetings. All meetings will be
open to the public.
Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson. Subcommittee meetings will be called by
the Subcommittee Chairperson.
Consensus, as determined by the presiding officer, may guide decisions of DAC. Voting may
be used when an issue has received a motion and a second. Only current DAC members in
good standing may vote.
Draft reports will be reviewed and approved at a regular DAC meeting before they are sent to
the Board of Education. Dissenting reports from the subcommittee may be allowed when there
is strong disagreement.
A quorum of at least 40 percent of the current membership and two officers must be present to
conduct DAC business.
Board of Education DAC work sessions will be scheduled to permit substantive discussions of
DAC activities, findings, and recommendations.
The recommendations to the Board of Education will be made after a majority of DAC members
have approved the content of the report and will be presented to the board by the DAC
executive committee. Only the chairperson or designee shall present reports and/or
recommendations to the board of education and/or to the general public on behalf of DAC.
Requests for information from staff are submitted by the chair or member of the executive team.
The rules contained in the current edition of "Robert's Rules of Order" shall govern committee
procedure in all cases not provided for in these bylaws.
Proposed bylaw changes will be submitted to the Chairperson of DAC at least two weeks before a regularly scheduled meeting for circulation to DAC members. Changes or additions to the bylaws will then be discussed at the next regular meeting. There must be a two-thirds vote of those members in attendance to approve changes in bylaws