Boulder Valley School District

School Accountability Committees


State and federal governments emphasize the inclusion of families in the educational accountability process. The School Accountability Committee (SAC) is a legally-constituted accountability and advisory committee of parent representatives that report to the school principal.

In general, the SAC is a representative advisory team that reviews school budgets, drives school improvements and supports parent engagement.  In accordance with BVSD policy, a SAC member from each school shall serve on, and communicate with, the District Accountability Committee (DAC).

Value of Accountability Committees & Following the Process

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Helpful Websites

BVSD Acronyms

CDE | SchoolView
​​​​​​Source for school & district data 

CDE | Unified Improvement Planning

CDE | School & District Accountability Committees (SACs & DACs) 
Responsibilities and associated resources

How to Review School and District Reports

Performance Frameworks

Growth Reports